SUMMARY ------- This CSS3 Font Converter is a shell script that allows developers, using a command line, to convert a set of TTF and OTF fonts into all the other currently used CSS3 @font-face formats (i.e. EOT, SVG, WOFF). Syntax: <filelist> For example, if you wanted to convert all the .ttf files in the directory you are in, you could type in the command: $ *.ttf The fonts will then be converted to the .eot, .woff, and .svg formats. It will also generate a stylesheet, stylesheet.css, that will produce the @font-face rules using The New Bulletproof @Font-Face Syntax. If you are converting .otf fonts, a .ttf font will be generated first before the other fonts. SUPPORTED OSes: --------------- Windows (using Cygwin), OS X and Linux (tested on Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat). Please let us know if you find it works on others. REQUIREMENTS: ------------- The shell script that uses FontForge, Batik (with Java installed), sfnt2woff and either EOTFast or ttf2eot. Full instructions on how to install these packages are at: CONTACT: -------- Any bug reports, fixes or feature requests: Code available at
A shell script that can use other command line tools to produce @font-face compatible fonts in all browsers. Works under Windows (using Cygwin), Mac OS X and Linux