The Deriving library builds instances of basic MathComp classes for inductive
data types with little boilerplate, akin to Haskell's deriving
To define an eqType
instance for a type foo
, just write:
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect eqtype.
From deriving Require Import deriving.
Inductive foo := Foo of nat.
Definition foo_indMixin := Eval simpl in [indMixin for foo_rect].
Canonical foo_indType := IndType _ foo foo_indMixin.
Definition foo_eqMixin := Eval simpl in [derive eqMixin for foo].
Canonical foo_eqType := EqType foo foo_eqMixin.
Besides eqType
, there are predefined generic instances for choiceType
and finType
. Check out the examples in theories/examples.v
You can also write generic instances for your own classes (though this currently
requires some non-trivial dependently typed hacking). Currently, the library
does not support nested inductive types, mutual inductive types or indexed
Coq 8.10
1.9 -
To compile, do
To install, do
make install
Clean up code
Support mutually inductive types