
A mod for Pillars of Eternity

Primary LanguageC#

IE Mod

IEMod Version: 5.0.1-beta
PoE Version: 2.0.0706
License: CC BY-SA 2.0.
Patchwork Version: 0.6.0

This is the most recent repository for IEMod, which is a mod for Pillars of Eternity. The previous repository may be found here. A repository for the fork which became the current version can be found here.

It uses the Patchwork assembly modification framework.

Original descriptions of IE Mod (some may be outdated):

5.0.2-beta Patch Notes

  1. Fixed Disable Friendly Fire option.
  2. Fixed AutoSave options.
  3. Fixed BSC command (partial).
  4. Fixed Combad Only Mod (partial)
  5. Fixed ReenableAchievements


This is a "how-to" that assumes you're a programmer, but not necessarily a Visual Studio dev. These steps should be performed at your own risk, this will obviously not result in a tested or supported build.

You need Microsoft Visual Studio (VS) 2015. You can get the free, full-featured Community edition.

If you download the source as zip, you need to get the zip from Patchwork as well. If you clone the repo, you need to pull Patchwork explicitly. This is extremely annoying, but that's how it is.

  1. Open IEMod.pw.sln in VS.
  2. You need to edit the file PathConsts.DoNotPush.cs and to set up your paths (like PoE folders, etc). Your can use the other constants to set the paths, like in the example file.
    1. Set YourGameFolderPath to the path of your game folder. Patching will automatically overwrite some files
    2. Set YourOriginalManagedFolder to a folder containing original PoE DLLs from the game's Managed folder that will be copied and used as a kind of base that will be patched.
    3. If you are forking the repo and plan to submit pull requests, please type the following into your git shell: git update-index --assume-unchanged PathConsts.DoNotPush.cs. This will make sure you don't push your environment settings to the repo. It may not be necessary in the future.
  3. Change the "startup" project to PrepareEnvironment, then run. You only need to do this each time a new version comes out, to copy and generate all the required files.
  4. Change the "startup" project to _Start!, then run.
  5. Make sure the iemod (the lowercase one!) folder is installed at PillarsOfEternity_Data/Managed.

Your Assembly-CSharp.dll will be patched directly during the build. Simply launch POE when done.

New Additions in 5.0.0+

Most of these are optional.

Target Turned Enemies

I've added an option called "target turned enemies" that makes enemies that have switched allegiance due to e.g. dominate, confusion, etc. to be considered hostile against your attacks. I always hated how being a little confused gave your enemies miraculous defensive benefits.

Disable Backer Dialogs

If this option is chosen, you can no longer "talk" to backer NPCs (experience their backstory). This option existed in the mod before, but was kind of hidden.

Cipher Base Focus

Modifies cipher's start focus in the beginning of combat.

Fast Scouting Mode

You can choose from a number of options, depending on the behavior you want.

UI Customization

  1. You can access the UI customization from a button in the UI. This button is draggable as well in UI customization mode.
  2. Turned the frame selection feature into a dropdown instead of many separate buttons. Also easier to add your own frames, since no changes to the code are necessary (you just add the appropriate files to the iemod/frames folder, and that's it).
  3. Added a checkbox for enabling tooltip offset. This nudges the enemy tooltip that appears in the upper left hand corner to the right, so it's not blocked by other UI elements. It was an already present but somewhat hidden feature.
  4. Restoring defaults happens instantly. You don't leave the UI customization menu or need to reload.
  5. A few other small changes.

Console Commands

  1. ShowMouseDebug toggles debug information for what's under the cursor (this is something that was already in the game's code). There isn't much information. I'll probably expand it later on. You can use it to get the IDs of characters instead of using FindCharacter.
  2. ResetCustomUI resets the custom UI settings to the default. Use this if you somehow manage to screw them up and can't fix them. You need to reload/area transition after this is done.

Development Information

The options/settings of the mod are handled in the folder IEMod\Mods\Options.

Previously, UI creation was pretty convoluted and involved a lot of repetition. It also involved working around rather inconvenient (for us) features, such as language-specific string tables, and a pretty confusing GameObject and Component hierarchy.

The new setup works using QuickControls. These are thin wrappers around the game's UI controls that are geared towards easy manipulation through code, rather than an editor.

They're called "quick" because you can use them with little effort on your part. Also, as is implied, they expose pretty limited functionality.

Of course, some of that still happens, but somewhere far away from you.

The new setup uses the static class IEModOptions for your options. Each option is just a field (it could also be a property). Add the [Label] attribute to the member to set the label of the control that option is bound to, and [Description] to set its tooltip.

You can put the [Description] attribute on each value in the enum definition to set its label in the combo box.

Before creating a control, you have to get an example of that control from the game UI. This is done automatically for you, usually.

The UI is created in the file mod_UIOptionsManager.

Some methods for creating controls take an Expression parameter. An expression is a bit like a lambda, but you can freely inspect it, so I just pull the property/field you want to bind to the control from the lambda you write there. It's extremely convenient.

By the way, binding means that once the control is changed, the property/field is changed as well. Unfortunately, it doesn't work the other way around, at least not at this point.

Modding Tips

General Advice

Debugging mods like this one is hard. It's possible to debug Unity applications (attach a debugger to them, I mean), it's possible to debug modified assemblies, and it's possible to debug assemblies you don't have any debug symbols for. Unfortunately, there is no tool that allows you to debug all three, and I have no idea how to make one.

Debugging involves printouts and using the logs. The game's default debug log is in PillarsOfEternity_Data\output_log.txt. Crash reports, which include additional data like memory dumps, are filed in the main folder. The game only crashed when something really nasty happens, and most exceptions (including things like NullReferenceException and even InvalidProgramException) are just logged, and the show goes on. Usually, things like weird graphical glitches, disappearing text, and so on, indicate that an exception has been thrown.

In addition to this, you can use IEDebug.Log to write to a special log dedicated for IEMod that this class creates. It appears in the main folder of the game.

Because debugging is so difficult, your best bet is to check things carefully. Check if things are null, if an expression is a valid type before casting, etc, and then throw an exception that tells you something about the problem. Handling exceptions, if only to rethrow more meaningful ones, is also a good idea. Assertions are also great.

Nulls in particular are your worst enemy. Try to avoid using them as much as possible.


It's best to throw IEModException, because you'll be able to find the exception in the log later, and it narrows down the place where it was thrown. Also, IEDebug.Exception creates a new IEModException and also logs it to the IE mod log, which is handy.

You can use UnityPrinter to print unity object graphs. This is extremely helpful, especially when working with UI.

When navigating the Component/GameObject graph, use the extension methods in UnityObjectExtensions. For example, instead of GetComponent<T> (provided by Unity), use Component<T>. This is because the GetX methods can easily return null, and leave you to figure out where the error occurred. Extension methods in UnityObjectExtensions don't return nulls and throw informative exceptions if an error has occurred, including the names of the objects involved, etc.

Seriously, avoid nulls at all costs.

Use the QuickControl system instead of working with raw GameObjects, where this is possible. These are thin wrappers around UI GameObjects that give you access to common components, as well as improved error detection and data binding.