

![image]( =700x)

User Stories:

  • As a guest I can create & print a graph without logging in, but I must login or create an account to save it
  • As a user I can create a profile and login
  • As a user I can see other peoples graphs
  • As a user I can create, edit, and save knitting graphs
  • As a user I can categorize my graphs
  • As a user I can set the difficulty of my graphs
  • As a user I can set the gauge of my graphs
  • As a user I can customize the size of my graph by choosing how many rows and columns it should have
  • As a user I can click a button to add a row or a column to a graph
  • As a user I can select a color from a palette then click a square in the grid to color it
  • As a user I can click a color then click a row or column indicator to fill an entire row or column with that color
  • As a user I can click a button to upload a photo to use as a template for my graph
  • As a user I can set the view settings of a graph to private
  • As a user I can upload pictures of the product created from the graph
  • As a user I can download the graph as a Jpeg
  • As a user I can add yarn information to the colors

Future Features:

  • As a user I can share my graphs via social networking
  • As a user I can tag my graphs
  • As a user I can search graphs by tag or user
Updated: January 23, 2015