
TeraSort in shared memory, Hadoop and Spark settings.

Primary LanguageJava

Tera Sort benchmarking

How to run the code:

  1. SM_Terasort.java: compile:
javac SM_Terasort.java


java -Xms8192m -Xmx10240m SM_Terasort

note: here the size for xms and xmx means the size of initial heap size and maximum heap size for jvm. This should be determined according to the configure file. If you configure larger chunk size, then this number should be increased to make sure one chunk can be sucessfully loaded into memory.

  1. Hadoop_Terasort.java: compile:
/home/ubuntu/hadoop/bin/hadoop com.sun.tools.javac.Main Hadoop_Terasort.java
jar cf Hadoop_Terasort.jar *.class


/home/ubuntu/hadoop/bin/hadoop jar Hadoop_Terasort.jar Hadoop_Terasort /sortdata/sorttxt /sortdata/output
  1. Spark_Terasort.scala: compile: directly run Spark Shell, no need to compile

