
A simple bash interface to openai's API that saves requests and responses to a sqlite database

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An extremely simple interface to the openai API, written in bash. Here's an example usage:

status: this command works, but I've transitioned to using simonw/llm which supports other models and functions similarly to this command. I will consider PRs if they're filed but it's not under active development

$ gpt how do I output red text in the console using tput
To output red text in the console using tput, you can use the following command:

tput setaf 1; echo "This text is in red"; tput sgr0


- `tput setaf 1` sets the foreground color to red (1 is the code for red)
- `echo "This text is in red"` outputs the message "This text is in red" in the console
- `tput sgr0` resets the console color to its default state

You can replace "This text is in red" with any message you want to output in red.

the gpt command stores your chat log in a sqlite database, and will use your most recent messages and openai's responses as context, so you can have a chat-like interface just by calling it repeatedly.

Here's an example; first we ask gpt for a fibonacci-generating function, then we ask it to rewrite the previous answer in a recursive style:

$ gpt write a function in python that outputs fibonacci numbers
Sure, here's an example of a Python function that outputs Fibonacci numbers:

def fibonacci(n):
    """Generate the first n Fibonacci numbers."""
    fib = [0, 1]  # initialize the sequence with the first two numbers
    for i in range(2, n):
        fib.append(fib[i-1] + fib[i-2])  # add the previous two numbers to generate the next one
    return fib

This function takes the number `n` as an argument and returns a list of the first `n` Fibonacci numbers. The function initializes the sequence with the first two numbers (0 and 1) and then generates each subsequent number by adding the two previous numbers in the sequence. The resulting list of Fibonacci numbers is returned.

You can call this function with an argument `n` to generate the first `n` Fibonacci numbers like this:

fib = fibonacci(10)
print(fib)  # output: [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34]

This will generate the first 10 Fibonacci numbers and print them to the console.

$ gpt now rewrite that function to be recursive
Sure, here's an example of a recursive function that generates Fibonacci numbers in Python:

def fibonacci(n):
    """Generate the n-th Fibonacci number."""
    if n <= 1:
        return n
        return fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)

This function takes the number `n` as an argument and returns the `n`-th Fibonacci number. If `n` is less than or equal to 1, the function simply returns `n`. Otherwise, it recursively calls itself with `n-1` and `n-2` as arguments and adds the results together to generate the `n`-th Fibonacci number.

You can call this function with an argument `n` to generate the `n`-th Fibonacci number like this:

fib = fibonacci(10)
print(fib)  # output: 55

This will generate the 10th Fibonacci number (which is 55) and print it to the console.

Because we send the previous chat log to gpt as context, it knows what we mean by "that function" in the second command.


If you pipe data to gpt, it will be appended to the end of your query. This lets you do something like this:

$ git diff | gpt write a commit message for this diff


$ ls *.png | gpt give me an imagemagick command that will concatenate these images vertically:


gpt allows you to call it without quoting your arguments, but if you want to include a quote character in your queries that won't work. In that case, you can quote your argument to it and it will work as expected:

$ gpt "tell me why bash's quoting rules are the best"

will work, but:

$ gpt tell me why bash's quoting rules are the best

will leave bash waiting for you to finish your quoted string.


These scripts assume you have curl and jq available.

OpenAI API keys

You will need an OpenAI api key. Get one from https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys

On its first run, the script will ask you for your key, and attempt to store it in your system's key store.

  • On a mac, you shouldn't need to install anything. The script will use security to save the key to your system keychain
  • On linux and windows, you should install keyring


There are two scripts in this repository, gpt and gpti. To install them, copy them to somewhere on your path and make sure they're executable (with chmod a+x gpt, for example)

NOTE: mac systems have a gpt binary installed in /usr/sbin by default. Either put the directory containing gpt in a path that gets searched before /usr/sbin, or give it another name


Each script stores all requests and responses in a sqlite database, located in your XDG_DATA_HOME directory, which defaults to $HOME/.local/share.

For most people the database will be located at ~/.local/share/gpt-bash/openai.sqlite3


Each script has help output documenting all options.


gpt [-hpv] [-nc] [-m <model>] [-t <temperature>] <description>

chat with openai's /chat/completions endpoint


    -h, --help: print this help and exit
    -m, --model: set the model you want to use. Defaults to $MODEL
    -nc, --no-context: do not send recent message context to openai
    -p, --api-key: print the openai API key found by this script and exit
    -t, --temperature: set the temperature. Defaults to $TEMPERATURE
    -v, --verbose: print verbose debugging information


    This script will store all requests to and responses from openai in a
    sqlite database in $DATA_DIR, in the "streaming_chat_completions" table


    you don't need to quote the arguments to gpt:

gpt write a bash script that uses curl to access the openai API

    you can pipe input into it, and it will be appended to the end of your

git diff | gpt -nc write a commit message for the following diff:

    if you have quotes in your query, you may need to quote it:

gpt "tell me why bash's quote handling is great"


gpti [-vhp] <description>

generates an image via openai's /images/generations endpoint


    -h, --help: print this help and exit
    -p, --api-key: print the openai API key found by this script and exit
    -v, --verbose: print the URL of the image and the filename when done


    gpti a drone photo of fenway park on opening day


    This script will store all requests to and responses from openai in a
    sqlite database in $DATA_DIR, in the "images_generations" table


    All images are downloaded into your temp directory and the filename
    will begin with `gpti_<day>_<time>` so that you can find them later
    if you need them.


$ gpt write a bash function that prints the usage for a command line GPT interface
As an AI language model, I cannot write a bash function. However, here's an example of a bash function that could print the usage for a command line GPT interface:

function gpt_usage() {
  echo "Usage: gpt [options] [input_file]"
  echo ""
  echo "Options:"
  echo "  -m, --model     Path to GPT model file"
  echo "  -l, --length    Length of generated text (default: 1024)"
  echo "  -t, --temperature    Temperature for text generation (default: 1.0)"
  echo "  -s, --seed    Seed for text generation (default: random)"
  echo ""
  echo "Example:"
  echo "  gpt -m my_model.pt -l 500 -t 0.7 input.txt"

This function prints out the usage information for a command line GPT interface, including the available options and an example usage. The user can call this function by typing `gpt_usage` in the terminal.