This is a list of must-watch videos devoted to Swift, heavily inspired by @bolshchikov's js-must-watch repo.
- Krzysztof Zabłocki: Good iOS Application Architecture: MVVM vs. MVC vs. VIPER [53:37]
- Erica Sadun: A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To This Array [22:52]
- Chris Eidhof & FlorianKugler: Intermediate Types [29:12]
- Marin Todorov: RxSwift on iOS [18:36]
- Michele Titolo: Generics in Theory and Practice [16:11]
- Károly Lőrentey: Optimizing Swift Collections [20:13]
- Krzysztof Zabłocki: Metaprogramming in Swift [45:10]
- Neem Serra: Map and FlatMap Magic [25:40]
- Sam Davies: Codeable in Swift 4 [36:41]
- Rob Napier: Beyond Crusty: Real-World Protocols [17:04]
- Chris Eidhof: Tiny Networking [20:00]
- Mike Ash: Exploring Swift Memory Layout [57:17]
- Ayaka Nonaka: Contributing to Swift [32:15]
- Natasha Murashev: Practical Protocol-Oriented Programming in Swift [44:08]
- Benjamin Encz: Unidirectional Data Flow: Shrinking Massive View Controllers [36:30]