CSE320 Exam Auto Grading Program


This is a C programming to compile, run, test and grade the CSE320 final exam. It likes mimir, it will run the solutions from the students and detect if it runs beyond the time limit, and detect if the solution has a runtime error.

Compile and Install

Just run make

Code Structures

Folder c: the programs for generating answers for each task.

Folder header: header files.

Folder exam: to put the solutions.

Folder space: the working directory to compile and test the solutions.


./main <netid> <first_task_test_cases> <second_task_test_cases> [any_number]

When you set the last parameter (any_number), it will not copy the solution from exam/<netid>/exam.S to space/program*/exam.S. It is used to debug for some solutions that is failure to compile.