
Assignment 3 - twitter search using a FragmentList and Webview fragment

Primary LanguageJava

Assignment 3 - twitter search using a ListFragment and Webview

Submission Instructions (due end of day Monday 3/23)

  1. Fork this repository to your local computer
  2. Open in Android Studio - enable version control
  3. Make the following changes to the Twitter Searches app: * Rather than having the Activity extend ListActivity, host a subclass of ListFragment in MainActivity's UI. * Replace the ListFragment with a second fragment that includes a WebView. Display the Twitter search results here. * The Fragment layouts should contain a TextView title as well as the ListView or WebView * Reproduce all functionality of the original Twitter search list (add, edit, delete and share searches) * All Fragment communication should go through the Activity's interface implementation
  4. When ready to submit, push your changes to your repository and make a pull request