fuxialexander’s doom-emacs based Emacs config

I’ve been quite into Emasc since 2017. Previously I use a spacemacs-based config, later I found that I’m not the type of person who tend to keep a long-running Emacs session. I the kind of person who consistently fiddle in the Emacs rabbit hole. Thus I move my config to use doom-emacs which gives me faster startup time and a lean, mean environment for me to play with Emacs-lisp.

Good stuff

  • An integrated literature management system based on org-ref: use org mode for PDF annotation, get literature from elfeed, etc.
  • A usable notmuch email client
  • org-gcal & calfw based calendar with beautiful theme
  • Cool twittering.el UI mods (have been integrated to doom-emacs)
  • Uses as many child-frame as I can
  • A hand-crafted org-html export theme with searchable table, link to Skim.app annotation, table of contents, foldable code blocks and clean interface.

Getting start

Simply clone both doom-emacs and my config, and modify .emacs.d/init.el:
git clone https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs ~/.emacs.d
git clone https://github.com/fuxialexander/doom-emacs-private-xfu ~/.doom.d
vim ~/.emacs.d/init.el


(require 'core (concat user-emacs-directory "core/core"))
(doom! :config

And use make to install the packages, etc.

cd .emacs.d