
Simple, easy to use template plugin for x64dbg

Primary LanguageC++


Simple, easy to use template plugin for x64dbg.


All you have to do with this template, to start implementing your x64dbg plugin logic: rename folder.


CMake have to be installed on your system. You can download it here: https://cmake.org/download/


Clone this repo

git clone https://github.com/lllShamanlll/x64dbg_cpp_template.git

Rename directory to the name what you want

mv x64dbg_cpp_template your_plugin_name

Move to build directory

cd your_plugin_name/build

Run CMake(for instance we'll generate x64 solution for VS2015)

cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" ..


Just open your_plugin_name/src/plugin.cpp & modify template functions body

PLUGIN_COMMAND(templateCommand) {
    PLUGIN_MESSAGE("templateCommand runs successfully.\n");
    return true;

PLUGIN_EXPRESSION_FUNCTION(templateFunction, 0, nullptr) {
    PLUGIN_MESSAGE("templateFunction runs successfully.\n");
    return true;

Or add new one

PLUGIN_COMMAND(MyFancyCommand) {
    PLUGIN_MESSAGE("MyFancyCommand runs successfully.\n");
    return true;

You've no need to manage commands by hand, it goes automatically. Just implement your stuff & leave boring stuff to machines.