Simple TensorFlow implementation of Independently Recurrent Neural Network (IndRNN): Building A Longer and Deeper RNN by Shuai Li et al. The author's original implementation in Theano and Lasagne can be found in Sunnydreamrain/IndRNN_Theano_Lasagne.
In IndRNNs, neurons in recurrent layers are independent from each other. The basic RNN calculates the hidden state h
with h = act(W * input + U * state + b)
. IndRNNs use an element-wise vector multiplication u * state
meaning each neuron has a single recurrent weight connected to its last hidden state.
The IndRNN
- can be used efficiently with ReLU activation functions making it easier to stack multiple recurrent layers without saturating gradients
- allows for better interpretability, as neurons in the same layer are independent from each other
- prevents vanishing and exploding gradients by regulating each neuron's recurrent weight
Copy into your project.
from ind_rnn_cell import IndRNNCell
# Regulate each neuron's recurrent weight as recommended in the paper
recurrent_max = pow(2, 1 / TIME_STEPS)
cell = MultiRNNCell([IndRNNCell(128, recurrent_max_abs=recurrent_max),
IndRNNCell(128, recurrent_max_abs=recurrent_max)])
output, state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell, input_data, dtype=tf.float32)
See examples/ for a script reproducing the "Adding Problem" from the paper. Below are the results reproduced with the
More experiments, such as Sequential MNIST, will follow in the next days.
- Python 3.4+
- TensorFlow 1.5+