
A simple ETL tool to copy data between JDBC databases etc.

Primary LanguageJava


A simple ETL tool to copy data between JDBC databases.

      Usage: java -jar db-copy-<VERSION>.jar [options]
        * -c, --configuration
            Configuration file name.
          -p, --properties
            Properties file name.
          -e, --withEnvironment
            Use environment variables as substites.
            Default: false
          -h, --help, --usage

Configuration is a YAML file with optional template placeholders that are substituted from the property file and optionally from environment variables.

Property file is also a YAML file with optional template placeholders that are optionally substituted from environment variables.

Configuration consists of two lists; dbs and steps.

First list,dbs lists databases data is copied from and to.

      - &HSQL_DB
        name: "HSql"
        user: "sa"
        pass: ${HSQL_PASSWORD}
        driver: "org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCDriver"
        url: "jdbc:hsqldb:mem:testw"
          - "jar:https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/hsqldb/hsqldb/2.3.1/hsqldb-2.3.1.jar!/"
        autoCommit: false

      - &MARIA_DB
        name: "MariaDB4j"
        user: "root"
        pass: ${MARIA_PASSWORD}
        url: "jdbc:mysql://localhost:${PORT}/test"
Parameter Default Description Example
name Descriptive name Development HSql
user Database user name super_user
pass Database password super_secret or ${PASSWORD}
driver Database JDBC driver class name org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCDriver
url Database JDCB URL jdbc:hsqldb:mem:test
jars List of URL's to JDBC driver jar files - "jar:./drivers/hsqldb-2.3.1.jar!/"
autocommit true Automatically commit after each statement true

Second list, steps lists the operations to be executed.

      # Log version and environment variable (be careful!)
      - db: *MARIA_DB
        name: "Maria 1"
        sql: "SELECT '${dbCopyJar}', '${SECRET}'"
      # Create test tables
      - db: *HSQL_DB
        name: "HSql 2"
        sql: "CREATE TABLE HOO(hoo VARCHAR(256), ts TIMESTAMP(0))"
Parameter Default Description Example
name Descriptive name. Sales pull
sql SQL statement. select a,b,c from d
db Database "YAML" reference. *MARIA_DB
batchSize 1000 The size of a batch sent to the database when inserting data. 10000
hasResult false Indicates that the statement will return a result. true
doCommit true Should commit be called after running the statement. true
batchLogCount 1000000 How often to log progress of processing the data. 10000
toContext false Place results of the statement to the context as variables. true
debug false Print the data s it is being processed. true
dump false Dump all data the statement returns. Used for debugging. true

See test scripts for more examples.

When a steps hasResult is true, the next step can use the results as input. The order of columns in both the first step and the next step must match as well as the number of questionmark placeholders.

      # Select three columns from HOO
      - db: *HSQL_DB
        name: "HSql 5"
        hasResult: true
        sql: "select id, amount, ts from HOO"

      # Insert three columns in the same order as above to MOO
      - db: *MARIA_DB
        name: "Maria 6"
        sql: "INSERT INTO MOO(id, amount, ts)values(?, ?, ?)" # Note the three questionmark placeholders

When a steps toContext is true, the following steps can use the results first rows data as variables.

      - db: *HSQL_DB
        name: "HSql 5"
        hasResult: true
		toContext: true
        sql: "select sum(amount) AS TOTAL_AMOUNT from HOO"

      - db: *MARIA_DB
        name: "Maria 6"
        sql: "INSERT INTO TOTAL_MOO(amount, ts)values(${TOTAL_AMOUNT}, current_timestamp)"

Be careful with SQL injections here...