As i called her Yoekie, a client for telegram-bot written on Java using Springboot 2.2.2 and Netty server.
Yoekie is listening to new message using onUpdateReceived(Update update)
and convert the message into reactive-data-stream-context to make it posible handling message reactively.
Here is sample how it is done by Yoekie
public void onUpdateReceived(Update update) {
.filter(upd -> upd.getMessage().hasText())
.flatMap(upd -> {
String messageText = upd.getMessage().getText();
long chatId = upd.getMessage().getChatId();
return Mono.fromCallable(() ->
execute(new SendMessage().setChatId(chatId).setText(messageText)))
.doOnNext(data -> LOGGER.info("Sent message \"{}\" to {}", messageText, chatId))
.doOnError(throwable -> LOGGER.error("Failed to send message \"{}\" to {} due to error: {}",
messageText, chatId, throwable.getMessage()));