
This is my implementation of the Collinear Problem

Primary LanguageKotlin

Well Id - Programming Test

This is my implementation of the Collinear Problem.

This project is written in Kotlin and uses Ktor as Web Server.

In order to execute the web server just run the main module in Application.kt.

The following api are available:

  • GET /space to obtain the list of points in the space.
  • GET /lines/${n} to obtain the list of lines composed by at least n points.
  • POST /point to create a new point in the space. The body must be a json like the following {"x": 1, "y":2}.
  • DELETE /space to delete all points the space.

In the root directory of this project there is a file Collinear.postman_collection.json. In this file there is the API definition for Postman. You can import it in your Postman client to start immediately to test the project.