
pipeline for onboarding datasets into argolis env for CEs

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Retail E-Commerce Dataset Pipeline

We're using the BQ Public Datasets Pipeline to deploy a cloud-native, data pipeline architecture for onboarding datasets within Argolis.




Environment Setup


  • SSH into Cloudtop Instance
  • Clone this repo
cd https://github.com/llooker/bq_dataset_pipeline
  • authenticate to Argolis via gcloud
gcloud auth login
gcloud auth application-default login

We use Pipenv to make environment setup more deterministic and uniform across different machines. If you haven't done so, install Pipenv using these instructions.

pipenv install --ignore-pipfile --dev

1. Create and Configure Composer 2 Enviornment


  • Within your Argolis Project create your Composer 2 Enviornment (we're naming ours thelook-ecommerce hosted in us-central1 if you want to follow along)

If there's an issue spinning up a composer env, most likely your Argolis Env isn't set up properly (more context here)

GCS bucket of the Composer environment Your Composer Enviornment's Bucket Name
AIRFLOW_VAR_AIRFLOW_HOME /home/airflow/gcs
  • Please note that the GCS bucket for your Composer Env can be found by clicking into the environment > Enviornment Configuation tab > DAGs Folder (be sure to just copy the bucket name - don't include any folders)


2. Generate Terraform files and actuate GCP resources

On Cloutop within the run the following command from the project root (be sure to replace the placeholders with your environment's values):

$ pipenv run python scripts/generate_terraform.py \
    --dataset thelook_ecommerce \
    --gcp-project-id $GCP_PROJECT_ID \
    --region $REGION \
    --bucket-name-prefix $UNIQUE_BUCKET_PREFIX \
$GCP_PROJECT_ID Your Argolis Project Name
$REGION Region where your Composer 2 Enviornment is Deployed
$UNIQUE_BUCKET_PREFIX Your Composer Env bucket name
  • This will generate the terrform files and create the infra within your GCP Project (eg. you should now see a dataset named thelook_ecommerce with multiple tables defined)

3. Generate DAGs and container images

Run the following command from the project root:

$ pipenv run python scripts/generate_dag.py \
    --dataset thelook_ecommerce \
    --pipeline $PIPELINE
$PIPELINE Name of your Composer 2 Env - in our example it's called thelook-ecommerce
  • This will build our Docker Image and upload into Container Registry and generate our DAG file using the pipeline.yaml file
  • Within our Argolis Project, navigate to Images - Container Registry and copy the repo name containing our docker image (eg. gcr.io/looker-demos/thelook_ecommerce__run_thelook_kub)

Dataset-specific variables

  • On Cloudtop Navigate to your .dev/datasets/thelook_ecommerce/pipelines folder
  • Create a new file called thelook_ecommerce_variables.json
  • Paste in the json below, replacing the docker_image value with your envirnment's docker image repository link if needed
  "thelook_ecommerce": {
    "docker_image": "gcr.io/looker-demos/thelook_ecommerce__run_thelook_kub"

6. Deploy the DAGs and variables

Back in the project root directory, run the following command:

$ pipenv run python scripts/deploy_dag.py \
  --dataset thelook_ecommerce \
  --composer-bucket $CLOUD_COMPOSER_BUCKET \
  --composer-region $CLOUD_COMPOSER_REGION
$CLOUD_COMPOSER_ENVIRONMENT_NAME Name of your Cloud Composer Enviornment - in our example it's claled thelook-ecommerce
$CLOUD_COMPOSER_BUCKET Your Composer Env bucket name
$CLOUD_COMPOSER_REGION Region your Composer Env is deployed in

7. Confirm everything is working

  • Go to your Airflow Composer Env and view the dag to make sure it's running (takes ~15-25 minutes for the data to be generated and uploaded into BQ)


  • Query your BQ table and data!
