Module 3 | React & Full-Stack Applications

Day 1 | Monday


React | Hello React

PP | Axios & Functional Programming

React | JSX and elements

React | Components and Props

DE | Bulma Components

Day 2 | Tuesday

React | State and Lifecycle

React | Handling Events & Conditional Rendering

React | Lists and Keys

PP | lab-react-ironcontacts

React | Forms

DE | lab-react-data-binding

Day 3 | Wednesday

React | Lifting State Up

React | Organize your code

PP | Reproduce Thinking in React

React Router | Introduction to Routing

React Router | Advanced Routing

DE | lab-react-wikicountries

Day 4 | Thursday

React | Calling APIs with Axios

React | Summary

Exercise | Try to reproduce with and axios

Express | Build a REST API

React & Express | Backend / Frontend integration

DE | MyRecipeBook

Day 5 | Friday

React & Express | Authentication

MERN Boilerplate

DE | IronForum (in the instructions, replace Angular by React)

Day 6 | Monday

React & Express | File Upload

React & Express | Route Guards

React & Express | Deployment

Day 7 | Tuesday

Project #3: MERN Application