
Simple tool to use Twilio CLI to make calls from Slate

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple tool to use Twilio CLI to make calls from Slate

  • Following instructions from https://www.twilio.com/docs/voice/client/javascript/quickstart
  • install node on your system https://nodejs.org/en/download/
  • restart your terminal or Visual Studio Code
  • From the Command Line: npm install twilio-cli -g
  • Note, for me I had to update my windows execution policy to execute "twilio".
    • Open Powershell as Administrator
    • Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
  • From the Command Line: twilio login
  • From the Command Line: twilio plugins:install @twilio-labs/plugin-serverless
  • From the Command Line: twilio serverless:init mac-slate-client-app --template="voice-client-javascript"
    • Update the name fo your app "mac-slate-client-app" really will be fine, they will annonomize the app for you.
  • From the Command Line: cd mac-slate-client-app
  • Open the .env file, and update your password to something unique.
  • From the Command Line: twilio serverless:deploy
  • Open your brower to the YOUR-URL.twil.io/admin/index.html
  • Log in with your unique password, run the setup checks.

Awesome. If all that looks good.

  • From the Command Line: cd ../
  • From the Command Line: git clone https://github.com/lloydlentz/mac-twilio-slate-client-app.git
  • From the Command Line: cd mac-twilio-slate-client-app
  • From the Command Line: code .
  • copy .env.sample to .env and update all the relevant bits.
  • From the Command Line: twilio serverless:deploy

Okay... Now, back into Slate.

  • From your calling form you need to add some exports.
    • Form --> Properties
      • Allow Secure link/login filters
      • Merge Fields
        • Join + Current User - Export "username" - Rename username
        • Subquery - Devices - Filter to phone types - sort by rank - offset=1, rowlimit=1,
          • export field[Type] + literal[" : "] + field["Value"]
          • rename phone1
        • Copy above
          • rename phone1val
          • remove literal and field type
  • From the Form Design view
    • Add an instruction block
      • add the merge fields {{phone1}} and make a call hyperlink.
      • In the URL of your hyperlink put in "https://your-new-app-id.twil.io/index.html?number={{phone1val}}&caller={{username}}"

Give it a whirl.