
The open source iOS app for hackathons, made with love by the Knight Hacks dev team. 🍎

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

KnightHacks iOS

This repository contains version 1 of the knighthacks iOS application. Note that this mobile application only targets iPhones and isn't configured nor tested for tablets. Version 2, which was originally meant for the 2019/2020 academic year can be found here


  • iOS 10.0+
  • Xcode 9


  • Ensure CocoaPods are in your system through Gems or Homebrew
$ gem install cocoapods
$ brew install cocoapods
  • Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/brianbaso/KnightHacks_iosdev.git
  • Install required pods/dependencies in project root
$ cd KnightHacks_iosdev
$ pod install

Class Conventions and Usage

Most of the tableview classes inherit common features from ParentTableView or FilteredParentTableView. Both of these classes can be directly inherited from and edited (or not). All cell classes are DynamicTableViewCell. Cells can be customized to different major types of cells by setting cellType variable.

Table View Controllers

  • Inherits from UITableViewController
  • Base tableview for all tables view controllers (except the homeViewController) in the KnightHacks app
  • Handles navigation bar colors, title colors, and pushing/poping more view controllers
  • Children
    • FilteredParentTableView
    • FrequentlyAskedViewController
    • LiveUpdateViewController
  • Initialization
let view = ParentTableView()
  • Inherits from ParentTableView
  • Base tableview for all table view controllers that implement a the built-in filter feature
  • Handles filtering of table view controller content based on filter options and selections
  • Manages setup and functioning of filters
  • Children
    • WorkshopsViewController
    • ScheduleViewController
    • SponsorsViewController
  • Initialization
let viewController = FilteredParentTableView(style: UITableViewStyle, filterOptions: [FilterButton], content: [(String,[Int])])
  • Changing View Features
var isBarAnimationComplete: Bool { get, set }
var hasHeaders: Bool { get, set }

var headerRowHeight: CGFloat { get, set }
var filterOptions: [FilterButton] { get, set }
var tableDataContent: [(String,[Int])] { get, set }

Table View Controller Cells

  • Inherits from UITableViewCell
  • Base table view cell used to construct all cells in KnightHacks application
  • Has dynamic height to fit text content
  • Manages all included cell types with the exception of specialized cells i.e. LiveUpdateTableViewCell and FilterMenuButtonCollectionViewCell
  • Has interchangeable components
  • Manages reloading of changed cells
  • Children
    • DefaultDynamicTableViewCell
    • LeftImageDynamicTableViewCell
    • DetailedDynamicTableViewCell
    • HiddenDetailDynamicTableViewCell
  • Initialization
tableView.register(DynamicTableViewCell.self, forCellReuseIdentifier: DynamicTableViewCell.identifier)

override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
      let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: DynamicTableViewCell.identifier, for: indexPath) as! DynamicTableViewCell
      cell.cellType = FormattedTableViewCellType
      return cell


tableView.register(DynamicTableViewCell.self, forCellReuseIdentifier: DynamicTableViewCell.identifier)

override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
      let cell = DynamicTableViewCell(style: UITableViewCellStyle, reuseIdentifier: DynamicTableViewCell.identifier) as! DynamicTableViewCell
      cell.cellType = FormattedTableViewCellType
      return cell
  • Changing Internal Components
// margins, borders and sizes
override var xMargin: CGFloat { get }
override var yMargin: CGFloat { get }
override var backgroundInnerMargin: CGFloat { get }

// images in cell
override var imageSideLength: CGFloat { get }
override var largeImageSideLength: CGFloat { get }
  • Accessing Available Components
var backgroundViewWithShadow: UIView? { set }
var titleLabel: UILabel? { set }
var locationLabel: UILabel? { set }
var timeLabel: UILabel? { set }
var contentImageView: UIImageView? { set }
var itemDescriptionLabel: UILabel? { set }
var itemTagLabel: UILabel? { set }
var horizontalTagStack: UIStackView? { set }
var showMoreButton: UIButton? { set }
  • Changing Overall Cell Appearance
    • NOTE Some of these changes are only available within specific cell types
var cellType: FormattedTableViewCellType { get, set }
var hasUpperTags: Bool { get, set }
var isTimeStampMinimized: Bool { get, set}
var hasStyledTags: Bool { get, set }
var isShowingDetails: Bool { get, set }