Clonk Infinity

The team

  • Nachtfalter - Teamleader, Graphics, Sound, Script
  • Nachtschatten - Teamleader, Script
  • Luchs - Teamleader, Script


Thanks to all testers!

Sir_Jones, Pitri, ManuN, Sven2, B_E, Zapper, jok, Mave, Apfelclonk, Pflasterface, JCaesar, Zargul, Kingster


Clonk Infinity uses sounds from the Freesound project.

Additional objects

  • Factory, Pending Effect by B_E
  • Cannon Tower by ala
  • Pointer by Pitri
  • The firefly is based on the firefly by David Dormagen
  • Light and light cone by the Hazard team
  • Weapon overlay transformation by the Hazard team