
ChatGPT-like Web UI for RWKVstic

Primary LanguagePython



RWKV-V4 inference via rwkvstic, with a ChatGPT-like web UI, including real-time response streaming.

How to use

# Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/hizkifw/WebChatRWKVstic.git
cd WebChatRWKVstic

# Recommended: set up a virtual environment
python -m venv venv
source ./venv/bin/activate

# Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Run the webserver
python main.py

The script will automatically download a suitable RWKV model into the models folder. If you already have a model, you can create the models directory and place your .pth file there.

Currently state

  • Mobile-friendly web UI with autoscroll, response streaming, markdown formatting, and syntax highlighting
  • Input is formatted into a question/answer format for the model, and earlier chat messages are included in the context


  • Tune the model to better match ChatGPT
  • Clean up the code
  • Create a Docker image