Use PostCSS with styled-jsx 💥
Install this package first.
npm install --save styled-jsx-plugin-postcss
Next, add styled-jsx-plugin-postcss
to the styled-jsx
's plugins
in your
babel configuration:
"plugins": [
["styled-jsx/babel", { "plugins": ["styled-jsx-plugin-postcss"] }]
Usage with Create React App requires you to either eject or use react-app-rewired.
Here is an example using react-app-rewired
// config-overrides.js
// this file overrides the CRA webpack.config
const { getBabelLoader } = require('react-app-rewired')
module.exports = function override (config, env) {
const loader = getBabelLoader(config.module.rules)
// Older versions of webpack have `plugins` on `loader.query` instead of `loader.options`.
const options = loader.options || loader.query
options.plugins = [['styled-jsx/babel', {
'plugins': ['styled-jsx-plugin-postcss']
}]].concat(options.plugins || [])
return config
Note: Please follow their instructions on how to set up build & test scripts, and make sure you have a correctly formatted postcss.config.js
as well.
uses styled-jsx
's plugin system which is supported
from version 2. Read more on their repository for further info.
therefore you may want to refer to their docs to learn more about
adding plugins.
PRs and contributions are welcome!
We aim to drive development of this plugin through community contributions.