
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Smart Language Agents in Real-World Planning

Travel Planner Travel Planner Travel Planner

Code for the Paper "Smart Language Agents in Real-World Planning" (Under Review), based on the paper TravelPlanner: A Benchmark for Real-World Planning with Language Agents".

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TravelPlanner is a benchmark crafted for evaluating language agents in tool-use and complex planning within multiple constraints.

For a given query, language agents are expected to formulate a comprehensive plan that includes transportation, daily meals, attractions, and accommodation for each day.

For constraints, from the perspective of real world applications, TravelPlanner includes three types of them: Environment Constraint, Commonsense Constraint, and Hard Constraint.

Setup Environment

  1. Create a conda environment and install dependency:
conda create -n travelplanner python=3.9
conda activate travelplanner
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Download the database and unzip it to the TravelPlanner directory (i.e., your/path/TravelPlanner).


Two-stage Mode

In the two-stage mode, language agents are tasked to with employing various search tools to gather information. Based on the collected information, language agents are expected to deliver a plan that not only meet the user’s needs specified in the query but also adheres to commonsense constraints.

export OUTPUT_DIR=path/to/your/output/file
# We support MODEL in ['gpt-3.5-turbo-X','gpt-4-1106-preview','gemini','mistral-7B-32K','mixtral']
# if you do not want to test google models, like gemini, just input "1".
# SET_TYPE in ['validation', 'test']
export SET_TYPE=validation
cd agents
python tool_agents.py  --set_type $SET_TYPE --output_dir $OUTPUT_DIR --model_name $MODEL_NAME

The generated plan will be stored in OUTPUT_DIR/SET_TYPE.

Sole-Planning Mode

TravelPlanner also provides an easier mode solely focused on testing their planning ability. The sole-planning mode ensures that no crucial information is missed, thereby enabling agents to focus on planning itself.

Please refer to paper for more details.

export OUTPUT_DIR=path/to/your/output/file
# We support MODEL in ['gpt-3.5-turbo-X','gpt-4-1106-preview','gemini','mistral-7B-32K','mixtral']
# if you do not want to test google models, like gemini, just input "1".
# SET_TYPE in ['validation', 'test']
export SET_TYPE=validation
# STRATEGY in ['direct','cot','react','reflexion', 'by_day']
export STRATEGY=direct

cd tools/planner
python sole_planning.py  --set_type $SET_TYPE --output_dir $OUTPUT_DIR --model_name $MODEL_NAME --strategy $STRATEGY


In order to parse natural language plans, we use gpt-4 to convert these plans into json formats. We encourage developers to try different parsing prompts to obtain better-formatted plans.

export OUTPUT_DIR=../evaluation
export MODEL_NAME=gpt-4-1106-preview
export SET_TYPE=validation
export STRATEGY=direct
export TMP_DIR=.
export EVALUATION_DIR=../evaluation
export MODE=sole-planning

cd postprocess
python parsing.py  --set_type $SET_TYPE --output_dir $OUTPUT_DIR --model_name $MODEL_NAME --strategy $STRATEGY --tmp_dir $TMP_DIR --mode $MODE

# Then these parsed plans should be stored as the real json formats.
python element_extraction.py  --set_type $SET_TYPE --output_dir $OUTPUT_DIR --model_name $MODEL_NAME --strategy $STRATEGY --tmp_dir $TMP_DIR --mode $MODE

# Finally, combine these plan files for evaluation. We also provide a evaluation example file "example_evaluation.jsonl" in the postprocess folder.
python combination.py --set_type $SET_TYPE --output_dir $OUTPUT_DIR --model_name $MODEL_NAME --strategy $STRATEGY --submission_file_dir $SUBMISSION_FILE_DIR --mode $MODE


We support the offline validation set evaluation through the provided evaluation script. To avoid data contamination, please use our official leaderboard for test set evaluation.

export SET_TYPE=validation
export EVALUATION_FILE_PATH=../postprocess/validation_gpt-4-1106-preview_direct_sole-planning_submission.jsonl

cd evaluation
python eval.py --set_type $SET_TYPE --evaluation_file_path $EVALUATION_FILE_PATH

Load Datasets

from datasets import load_dataset
# test can be substituted by "train" and "validation".
data = load_dataset('osunlp/TravelPlanner','test')['test']


If you have any problems, please contact Timothy Wei