- 6
[MooreToCore] Support string constants
#7628 opened by fabianschuiki - 0
[Verif] Add an optional name attribute to SymbolicValueOp
#7708 opened by uenoku - 3
[Sim] Combine integer formatting ops into one op
#7692 opened by fabianschuiki - 1
[ExportVerilog][COMB] Crash in circt-opt: Variadic Operand Handling in ExportVerilog
#7698 opened by YangWiz - 4
[MooreToCore] Support assert, assume, cover ops
#7630 opened by fabianschuiki - 1
[MooreToCore] Support format strings
#7648 opened by fabianschuiki - 0
[FIRRTL] InferWidths: error can point at operation not involved in constraint
#7689 opened by youngar - 3
[Calyx] IfOp's group has to be a CombGroupOp?
#7682 opened by jiahanxie353 - 3
- 0
- 2
[FIRRTL] FSRT: not finding all no-reset registers
#7679 opened by youngar - 1
[FIRRTL] InferResets FullReset (formerly FART) does not add resets to not reset fields of partially reset registers
#7675 opened by jackkoenig - 6
- 2
[FIRRTL] FIRRTL needs a contract interface
#7661 opened by dobios - 7
[SV] [FIRRTL] Add intrinsics for sampled value functions
#7636 opened by unlsycn - 0
- 2
[Verif] Lowering from `verif.formal` to `verif.bmc`
#7662 opened by dobios - 0
[HWToSMT] Support hw.array_create and hw.array_get
#7664 opened by uenoku - 2
[Seq] Move SeqToSV tests from `test/Dialect/Seq` to `test/Conversion/SeqToSV`
#7637 opened by uenoku - 0
[FIRRTL] Layers and Analog
#7649 opened by dtzSiFive - 0
- 1
- 2
[MooreToCore] Support pow op
#7626 opened by fabianschuiki - 0
[MooreToCore] Unpacked array causes crash
#7627 opened by fabianschuiki - 0
[MooreToCore] Support net op
#7629 opened by fabianschuiki - 2
[FIRRTL] InferResets FullReset (formerly FART) errors due to "different" reset domains when the reset value is identical
#7611 opened by jackkoenig - 4
- 1
- 2
- 4
[FIRRTL] Does 'regreset' in CHIRRTL have the corresponding calss in
#7601 opened by zhangkanqi - 11
[MooreToCore] VariableOp lowered failed
#7535 opened by mingzheTerapines - 0
[FIRRTL] Probes can target the wrong signal when a local signal has the same name as the containing module
#7593 opened by youngar - 4
[FIRRTL] Firtool may crash when compiling a certain fir file.
#7586 opened by Siudya - 1
- 2
- 0
[FIRRTL] memory parsing support for combined port declarations - document/spec, comma-separate?
#7581 opened by dtzSiFive - 0
- 0
[SV] Canonicalizer ASAN failure
#7563 opened by dtzSiFive - 7
[Moore] Input triggers assertion in canonicalizer infra
#7531 opened by maerhart - 0
- 0
- 0
[Scheduling] Allow cloning of problem instances
#7546 opened by jopperm - 0
[Scheduling] Add interface to manage solutions
#7545 opened by jopperm - 0
[Scheduling] Add interfaces to allow removal of problem components and properties
#7544 opened by jopperm - 0
- 0
[Moore] Redesign `wait_event` operation
#7482 opened by maerhart - 0
[Moore] Mem2Reg Error
#7483 opened by maerhart - 0
- 3
- 0