
Javacafe's desktop and WSL configuration files

Primary LanguageLua


NixOS AwesomeWM

Type Used
Window Manager AwesomeWM
Terminal Wezterm
Editor Neovim
File Manager Nautilus
Shell Zsh

Setup for NixOS

  1. Get the latest NixOS ISO and boot into the installer/environment.
  2. Format and mount your disks.
  3. Follow these commands (you might need root privileges):
# Get into a Nix shell with Nix unstable and git
nix-shell -p git nixUnstable

# Clone my dotfiles (it has submodules)
git clone https://github.com/JavaCafe01/dotfiles /mnt/etc/nixos --recurse-submodules

# Remove this file
rm /mnt/etc/nixos/hosts/thonkpad/hardware-configuration.nix

# Generate a config and copy the hardware configuration, disregarding the generated configuration.nix
nixos-generate-config --root /mnt
cp /mnt/etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix /mnt/etc/nixos/hosts/thonkpad/
rm /mnt/etc/nixos/configuration.nix

# Make sure you're in the configuration directory
cd /mnt/etc/nixos

# Install this NixOS configuration with flakes
nixos-install --flake '.#thonkpad'
  1. Reboot, login as root, and change the password for your user using passwd.
  2. Log in as your normal user.
  3. Follow these commands:
# change ownership of configuration folder
sudo chown -R $USER /etc/nixos

# go into the configuration folder
cd /etc/nixos

# Install the home manager configuration
home-manager switch --flake '.#javacafe01'

Setup for NixOS-WSL

coming soon

AwesomeWM Modules

  • Adds new layouts, modules, and widgets that try to primarily focus on window management
  • A widget accessing UPower for battery info with LGI
  • Creates smooth animations with a slope curve for awesomeWM (Awestore, but not really)

Better Resize

  • An improved method of resizing clients in the tiled layout

Save Floats

  • Saves positions of clients in the floating layout
