
Backup script for oneinstack on Linux server.

Primary LanguageShell

Backup Script for Oneinstack

The script to backup and recover PHP website for oneinstack(https://oneinstack.com) running on Linux server.

Oneinstack(https://github.com/lj2007331/oneinstack) is a script written using the shell, in order to quickly deploy LEMP/LAMP/LNMP/LNMPA/LTMP(Linux, Nginx/Tengine/OpenResty, MySQL in a production environment/MariaDB/Percona, PHP, JAVA), applicable to CentOS 57(including redhat), Debian 68, Ubuntu 12~16 of 32 and 64.


The format of config file:


Create a config file named config in the backup script folder and add the config above.


All folder should endup with "/".

  • backup.sh:
    • Backup a site to a folder.
    • All files of the site, sql backup of database and nginx configuration file will be copied to the folder.
./backup.sh [site] [path]
  • backup_zip.sh:
    • Backup a site to a zip file.
./backup_zip.sh [site] [path]
  • recover.sh:
    • Recover a site from the folder created by the shell script backup.sh.
    • Nginx server should be restarted manually after recovering the website.
./recover.sh [site] [path]
service nginx restart
  • recover_all.sh:
    • Recover all sites from the folder that contains zip files created by backup_zip.sh.
    • Here, the name of zip file will be used as the name of the site.
    • Nginx server should be restarted manually after recovering the website.
./recover_all.sh [path]
service nginx restart
  • dump.sh:
    • Dump a database to a sql file.
./dump.sh [site] [path]
  • execute.sh:
    • Execute a sql file and restore it into a new database.
    • The name of the new database is the parameter site.
./execute.sh [site] [path]
  • execute_all.sh:
    • Execute all sql files in a folder and store them to databases.
    • The name of a database is same with the name of a sql file.
./execute.sh [folder]
  • privilege.sh:
    • Change privilege of a DedeCMS website.
./privilege.sh [path]
  • remove.sh:
    • Remove a website.
./remove.sh [site]
  • index_backup.sh:
    • Backup all index files defined in indexFiles of the config file.
  • index_recover.sh:
    • Recover all index files defined in indexFiles of the config file.
    • This script can be added to crontab in order to recover index files automatically.