- 1
PyPI homepage links lead to malicious websites
#151 opened by rabyj - 0
ptrace_check doesn't verify user is root
#153 opened by Et7f3 - 1
Maintenance help?
#152 opened by iloveitaly - 6
pyrasite-memory-viewer: IOError: [Errno 2] File not found: '/tmp/pyrasite-23216-objects.json'
#134 opened by spaceone - 10
pyrasite-shell hangs on Arch Linux
#75 opened by purboo - 4
Site is down
#145 opened by svetlyak40wt - 2
Does it work on windows currently?
#142 opened by SmileLee123 - 10
Update the PyPi repository version
#48 opened by tzickel - 0
pyrasite doesn`t work in some docker image
#150 opened by pbl357 - 0
- 0
KeyError: 'address 139644515901800 not present'
#146 opened by acracker - 4
pyrasite-shell does not work on Ubuntu 18.04.1
#76 opened by Euphorbium - 2
- 1
Receive Error msg on Exception
#135 opened by orestis-z - 1
Readme should say how to run
#144 opened by cool-RR - 0
Can it work with Pyinstaller (Linux)?
#141 opened by sergejkl - 3
- 1
- 2
pyrasite cannot inject
#136 opened by adab4d - 2
ipc.connect hang forever
#60 opened by allan-simon - 1
Python segfaults after pyrasite tries to connect
#56 opened by robintw - 0
Error running pyrasite on windows
#81 opened by costidragnea - 4
Add windows support
#43 opened by lmacken - 0
- 1
b'...' output from --verbose in Python 3
#49 opened by ivan - 1
How to analyze objects.json after process dies?
#79 opened by weishen - 0
pyrasite-gui run with error,
#78 opened by tianmafly - 0
- 2
- 0
- 1
Execute code in main thread?
#65 opened by xiangxw - 1
- 0
SIGSEGV from payload
#66 opened by posita - 1
Silent fail when GDB is not installed
#62 opened by pvanderlinden - 1
The socket timeout is unusually short (5s). Increase, or make it configurable?
#55 opened by PiDelport - 1
Support fifos as payload for pyrasite cli tool
#59 opened by spaceone - 3
- 2
Inject/UnInject some code in anywhere
#52 opened by alex8224 - 4
- 4
PyrasiteMemoryViewer TagMarkupException
#44 opened by Stolas - 3
No response when using pyrasite-shell
#47 opened by mahmoud - 3
Pyrasite freezes everytime I run
#46 opened by sollidsnake - 2
- 2
- 0
socket debug tools
#36 opened by techtonik - 0
Traceback trying --help
#39 opened by ralphbean - 0
pyrasite rpm should include python-meliae
#40 opened by ralphbean - 2
Handle PyGILState_LOCKED race conditions.
#25 opened by lmacken - 3
pyrasite-memory-viewer does not work
#31 opened by mgedmin - 1