
This project is designed to manage BlueBanquise Ansible inventories via a REST API

Primary LanguageGo

BlueBanquise API

This project is designed to manage BlueBanquise Ansible inventories via a REST API.

Project Structure

├── README.md
├── controllers
│   └── nodeController.go       # Handles the API routes
├── go.mod                      # Go module file
├── go.sum                      # Go dependency file
├── helpers
│   ├── hosts.go                # Functions for fetching node details from the hosts section
│   ├── inventory.go            # Functions to map inventory files and retrieve paths
│   └── yaml.go                 # Functions to load and parse YAML files
├── main.go                     # Application entry point
├── models
│   ├── groups.go               # Data model for group variables
│   ├── inventory.go            # Data model for the entire cluster inventory
│   ├── network.go              # Data model for network configurations
│   └── nodes.go                # Data model for nodes and hardware specifications
├── routes
│   └── routes.go               # Route definitions
├── services
│   └── nodeService.go          # Business logic for working with nodes
└── utils
    └── mergeMaps.go            # Utility to merge maps


  • Controllers handle the HTTP requests and route them to the appropriate service. For example, the GetAllNodes controller retrieves all nodes for a specific role from the inventory.


  • Services contain the business logic, handling the manipulation of nodes and interaction with YAML files. For example, UpdateNodeVars updates a node in the inventory.


  • Helpers provide utility functions such as loading and parsing YAML files, mapping inventory files, and fetching node data from the inventory.


Make sure you have the following installed:

  • Go (version 1.17 or higher)
  • A BlueBanquise inventory file available at the location specified in your .env file


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/bb-api.git
cd bb-api
  1. Install the required Go dependencies:
go mod tidy

Environment Variables

The project uses a .env file to manage configuration, including API settings and the BlueBanquise inventory file path. A template of the .env file can be found as .env.example.

Here’s how you can configure the environment variables:


# BlueBanquise spec
  • GIN_APP_API_IP: The IP address or hostname where the API will run.
  • GIN_APP_API_PORT: The port on which the API will be accessible.
  • BLUEBANQUISE_INVENTORY_FILE_PATH: Path to the BlueBanquise inventory directory, used to load the YAML files.

Setting up .env

  1. Create a .env file in the root of your project by copying the .env.example:
cp .env.example .env
  1. Modify the .env file according to your environment settings.

Running the Project

To start the API, run:

go run main.go

The API will be available at http://localhost:8080 (or the IP and port you specified).