Tentative is a full stack web application that allows would-be campsers to easily view availibility for campground in National Parks. This site shows availibility and a map of National Parks Campgrounds, and allows a user to link to an available campsite on Recreation.gov.
Camping, Recreation.gov, National Park Service, NPS, Camping availibility, campground
The Map
- Shows all campgrounds in the database (from the recreation.gov api).
- Shows popups for each campground that includes a link to reserve the campground in recreation.gov.
- Changes colors based on availibility of a campground inside a National Park once a user has selected dates and choosen a National Park.
Users can:
- Select a National Park to see more information about the National Park, its location, and driving directions to the National Park.
- See a list of availibile campgrounds based on date criteria and the name of the National Park.
- Click on an available campsite to book in recreation.gov.
SQL, Python, Flask, Flask-SQLAlchemy, Jinja2
JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, Jinja, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap.
Recreation.gov API, Recreation.gov availability API, Google Maps for JavaScript, National Park Service
Find a Campground
Get all of the campgrounds in a National Park from a SQL query. Choose dates to show availability of these campgrounds and zoom in on a map of their location with an AJAX request. Flask app routes AJAX requests to the database and Flask session.
Google Maps javascript methods to initialize a visual map with all campgrounds. Query database to construct JSON which is supplied to my javascript function to populate the map.
Used javascript methods to contruct pop-ups for each campground that allows users to view information and link to booking site.
Filtering campsites
Used an SQL query to gather all campgrounds within a National Park. These are routed to the Recreation.gov availibility database to check availability for each campground.