Raptor A/B Tests v0.101
Raptor is an A/B Tests management tool written in Ruby on Rails that generates a javascript file responsible for running the tests. This means you can use Raptor A/B Tests in your application regardless of your server side configuration and even if your whole page is delivered by a CDN
Getting Started
Install Rails at the command prompt if you haven't yet:
gem install rails rake db:setup rails server
Check the app at
Play with experiments and versions
Client side:
jQuery > 1.4
Rails, database no mystery
Testing in development:
In your website's head, place the tag
<script src="http://localhost:3000/js.js"></script>
The tests should start running if the file is properly loaded
Access root ( http://localhost:3000/ ) with (user: testuser, password: testpass )
Define experiments and variations, play with the dashboard is pretty straight forward ( I hope :) )
Playing on production
Deploy your raptor application to a server ( I recommend heroku, it's a good place to start )
Run migrations
Set up ENV vars
$ heroku config:set HTTP_USER=username HTTP_PASS=password
In your website's head, use the tag with you raptor's app domain
<script src="http://yourraptorappdomain.com/js.js"></script>
Use the parameters seedrafts and forceVersion to check that the experiment is well configured
Change your experiment status to "published" and set up and end time. (Published until)
- Fork it!
- Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit your changes:
git commit -m 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch:
git push origin my-new-feature
- Submit a pull request :D
Collecting Data
Coming up
- Data collection with Google Analytics or custom
- Experiments / country
- Javascript rules to evaluate before applying a variation
BSD License © 2015 - Leonardo Majowka