Adds Redis Monitoring to Server Density
This plugin uses “redis-cli info” to grab every available key/value pair.
It’s up to the end user to create groups that make sense and to select the
statistics they care most about. Some are less useful than others…
- Head to and Add new plugin
- Add a plugin called Redis
- Edit the Redis plugin and create groups for the graphs
- You can determine the full list of available keys using “redis-cli info”. Eg,
$ /usr/local/redis/redis-cli info redis_version:2.0.4 redis_git_sha1:00000000 redis_git_dirty:0 arch_bits:64 multiplexing_api:epoll process_id:570 uptime_in_seconds:1320682 uptime_in_days:15 connected_clients:4 connected_slaves:0 blocked_clients:0 used_memory:787912 used_memory_human:769.45K changes_since_last_save:34940 bgsave_in_progress:0 last_save_time:1296331818 bgrewriteaof_in_progress:0 total_connections_received:347 total_commands_processed:522951 expired_keys:0 hash_max_zipmap_entries:64 hash_max_zipmap_value:512 pubsub_channels:0 pubsub_patterns:0 vm_enabled:0 role:master db0:keys=4,expires=0
- To get you started, here are some example groups you might find useful
Title: Status connected_clients connected_slaves blocked_clients expired_keys changes_since_last_save
Title: PubSub pubsub_channels pubsub_patterns
Title: Memory used_memory
- Configure your agent so that it knows about plugins
- Move into that directory
- Restart the agent (service sd-agent restart)