This project is part of UFRJ’s Computer Science BSc Program - Database class (2023.2);
This dataset was provided by Nathan Lauga, on Kaggle. It is available on
- MySQL database containing all the dataset used
- SpringBoot application for the backend
- React.js for frontend
First, you'll need to install Docker on your worskstation. You can do that by following the instructions on Docker official page: After intalling it, clone this project into your workspace.
git clone project
cd disciplina-banco-de-dadoos
Then, go to the aplicativo-backend subdirectory.
cd aplicativo-backend/
Before executing the docker compose command you need to create a .env file with the variables to start and create the database. You can use the .env-template for reference. After that, just run the docker compose comand.
docker compose up
MySQL server will start first, and after the data insertion, SpringBoot Application will start.