
An async client to fetch your Last.fm listening history or the track you are currently playing

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Crates.io docs.rs

lastfm is an async Rust client to fetch your Last.fm listening history or the track you are currently playing


Add the following to your Cargo.toml:

lastfm = "*"

Replace the * with the actual version you want to use.

Alternatively you can run:

cargo add lastfm


To use this library you will need a Last.fm account and an API key. You can get one by registering an application. If you have already registered an application, you can find your API key in the API settings.

Create a new client

If you have your API key exposed through the LASTFM_API_KEY environment variable, you can use the from_env method:

let client = Client::<String, &str>::from_env("YOUR_USERNAME");

Note: this method will panic if LASTFM_API_KEY is not set.

Alternatively, you can use try_from_env which will return a Result.

let maybe_client = Client::<String, &str>::try_from_env("YOUR_USERNAME");
match maybe_client {
  Ok(client) => {
    // do something with the client
  Err(e) => {
    // handle error

Finally, for more advanced configurations you can use a Client::builder():

let client = Client::builder().api_key("YOUR_API_KEY").username("YOUR_USERNAME").build();

Fetch the track you are currently playing

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
  let client = Client::builder().api_key("YOUR_API_KEY").username("YOUR_USERNAME").build();
  let now_playing = client.now_playing().await?;
  if let Some(track) = now_playing {
    println!("Now playing: {} - {}", track.artist.name, track.name);


Fetch your listening history

Note: You will need the futures-util crate to use the Stream returned by all_tracks.

use futures_util::pin_mut;
use futures_util::stream::StreamExt;
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
  let client = Client::builder().api_key("YOUR_API_KEY").username("YOUR_USERNAME").build();
  let tracks = client.all_tracks().await?;
  println!("Total tracks: {}", tracks.total_tracks);

   let recent_tracks = tracks.into_stream();
   pin_mut!(recent_tracks); // needed for iteration
   while let Some(track) = recent_tracks.next().await {
       match track {
           Ok(track) => {
                   "{}: {} - {}",
           Err(e) => {
               println!("Error fetching data: {:?}", e);


This package provides some usage examples in the examples folder.

You will need an API key to run the examples so you will need to:

  • copy .env~sample into .env
  • add your last.fm API Key in there
  • run a give example. E.g.: cargo run --example fetch_all

Other implementations

This project is a port of something I have already done in JavaScript (Node.js). Check out lmammino/scrobbles if you are curious.


Everyone is very welcome to contribute to this project. You can contribute just by submitting bugs or suggesting improvements by opening an issue on GitHub.


Licensed under MIT License. © Luciano Mammino.