
linking C lib to go

Primary LanguageC

Simple example on how to link a locally built C-library to a Go application using cgo.

The demo consists of a wrapper C-module cwrap.c which wraps all calls to the library: Usually a C-library consists of different files where include-paths are passed to the compiler via -I and thus not explicitly listed in #include directives. This would not easily work when using C-modules with Go since go build isn't easily fed include directories.

Another module module.go uses these C-functions and also exports a function that is called from within the C-module. It demonstrates all the quirks of unallowed whitespaces before the export comment or no newline before import "C".


Make sure to put this repo into your $GOPATH or simply append link-lib to your GOPATH using export GOPATH=$GOPATH:$(pwd)

export GOPATH=$GOPATH:$(pwd)
cd src/submodule/clib
make clean && make
cd ../../
go build

It should then output

in wrap_lib: wrap_init
Hi from C
Hello from Go!

Remark: Obviously you need to have Go installed. For building the C-library you'll need GCC or any other compiler. Check the makefile in link-lib/src/submodule/clib/makefile for the required tools.