
This project is rest api which provides the possibility to schedule appointments for facility customers. Each request authorised by HTTP Basic authentification. Project consists of 2 requests:

  1. The first request (api/schedule/entry) should receive that two files, parse them to json objects and send them back via HTTP response
  2. The second request (api/schedule/distribute) should handle the distribution of appointments into facilities based on user entry. When we send the response back to the user, they should be able to specify the number of people and empty spots they want to distribute into each of the facilities.

For each of the appointment, we facility provides 1 hour. Schedule should be within one 4 weeks

Getting Started

Technology stack

  1. Java
  2. Spring
  3. Hibernate
  4. Posgresql
  5. Maven

Project set up

  1. Set up maven project
  2. Clone Appointment project from git repo.
  3. Set up Postgresql database credentials of database you can find in hibernate.xml.
  4. Create database requiered db tables facility, customer,appointment, facility_free_schedule (see in DB Queries section)

DB Queries

create table facility
	email varchar(200) not null,
	address varchar(200) not null,
	working_hours varchar(200) not null,
	empty_spot integer not null,
	per_hour integer not null,
	id serial not null
		constraint facility_column_6_pk
			primary key

create unique index facility_column_6_uindex
	on facility (id)

create table customer
	name varchar(200) not null,
	email varchar(200) not null,
	id serial not null
		constraint customer_id_pk
			primary key

create unique index customer_id_uindex
	on customer (id)
create table appointment
	user_name varchar(200) not null,
	user_email varchar(200) not null,
	facility_address varchar(200) not null,
	start_date_time varchar(50) not null,
	end_date_time varchar(50),
	id serial not null
		constraint appointment_id_pk
			primary key

create unique index appointment_id_uindex
	on appointment (id)

create table facility_free_schedule
	id serial not null
		constraint facility_free_schedule_pkey
			primary key,
	facility_id integer not null
		constraint facility_free_schedule_facility_id_fk
			references facility (id)
				on delete cascade,
	capacity integer not null,
	empty_spot_timestamp bigint not null,
	week_index integer not null

create unique index facility_free_schedule_id_uindex
	on facility_free_schedule (id)

Running the Project

Run Application class and set up Postman or other requester tool

First Request Congiuration
  1. Confiure POST request with url: http://localhost:8080/api/schedule/entry
  2. Configure headers for basic authentification: user- admin, pass-admin
  3. Configure heasers to Accept application/json.
  4. Configure Body params: key: customers, value: list-of-custmers.csv (csv file located in /csv/list-of-custmers.csv ) key: facilities, value: list-of-facilities.csv (csv file located in /csv/list-of-facilities.csv)
  5. After submiting request you should receive smth like this:
        "customers": [
    	    "id": 80,
    	    "name": "Alex",
    	    "email": ""
    	    "id": 81,
    	    "name": "Anna",
    	    "email": ""
    	    "id": 82,
    	    "name": "David",
    	    "email": ""
    	    "id": 83,
    	    "name": "Ben",
    	    "email": ""
    	    "id": 84,
    	    "name": "Bee",
    	    "email": ""
    	    "id": 85,
    	    "name": "Dan",
    	    "email": ""
        "facilities": [
    	    "id": 38,
    	    "email": "",
    	    "address": "Armenia,Yerevan Saryan1 street 28",
    	    "workingHours": "09:00:00-18:00:00",
    	    "emptySpot": 10,
    	    "perHour": 5
    	    "id": 39,
    	    "email": "",
    	    "address": "Armenia,Yerevan Saryan2 street 28",
    	    "workingHours": "10:00:00-19:00:00",
    	    "emptySpot": 5,
    	    "perHour": 8
    	    "id": 40,
    	    "email": "",
    	    "address": "Armenia,Yerevan Saryan3 street 28",
    	    "workingHours": "11:00:00-18:00:00",
    	    "emptySpot": 2,
    	    "perHour": 3
Second Request Congiuration
  1. Confiure POST request with url: http://localhost:8080/api/schedule/distribute

  2. Configure headers for basic authentification: user- admin, pass-admin

  3. Configure heasers to Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded

  4. Configure Body params:

     key: facility_id, value: 38
     key: count, value: 4
     key: empty_spot, value: 2

    Note: Values of body should be based on first response

  5. After submiting request you should receive this csv:

"15";"Alex";"";"Armenia,Yerevan Saryan1 street 28";"2018-03-19 09:00";"2018-03-19 09:00"
"16";"Anna";"";"Armenia,Yerevan Saryan1 street 28";"2018-03-19 09:00";"2018-03-19 09:00"
"17";"David";"";"Armenia,Yerevan Saryan1 street 28";"2018-03-19 09:00";"2018-03-19 09:00"
"18";"Ben";"";"Armenia,Yerevan Saryan1 street 28";"2018-03-19 09:00";"2018-03-19 09:00"

In case if no available customer or empty spot you receive empty csv with headers

Unit Tests

Appointment project has 2 unit test:

  1. getEntry_test method checks if entry response is ok and response contains expected json objects
  2. distribute_test method which if distribution response is ok and response contains required headers


facilityId field should be specified based on entry response, as ordering of test-method invocations is not guaranteed.