DE10_lite Tiny USB Full speed interface by Dar ( (27/12/2021)
Educational use only. Use at your own risk. Beware voltage translation or protection are required
Main features : Tiny USB interface for Full Speed USB devices (12Mbit/s)
usb_rx.vhd directly decodes D+/D- signal in order to produce real time signals below :
- usb_sleep : no bus activity
- usb_eop : end of packet
- usb_pid : last PID received
- usb_adr : last ADDRESS reveived
- usb_ep : last END POINT received
- usb_frame : last FRAME value (SOF) received
- usb_data : last DATA value (byte) received
- usb_new_data : a new byte is received (last ~1bit)
- usb_crc_ok : crc of last packet is ok
As a demo usb_tx.vhd performs the folowing action :
- Generate a few SOF packets to 'wake up' devices (constant frame 000)
- Request for device descriptor and read reply
- Set device address to 3
- Set configuration 1
- Periodicaly request for data from EP1
All messages are built-in and CRCs are already computed. This tiny demo allow to get data from keyboard, mouse, joystick
usb_to_jtag_uart.vhd uses usb_rx signals in order to display USB captured frames on nios2-terminal thru Jtag uart interface.
Jtag-uart is used to display data and send user commands to decoder/filter. It contains a 8ko fifo data buffer which seems to be enough for small devices (keyboard, joystick, mouse). Jtag-uart avalon bus is accessed directly by real time hardware signals (no nios processor are used). Usb_to_jtag_uart is used as a debug mean.It can be removed for final design.
usb_rx_tx_de10_lite.vhd is the top level design file for DE10_lite board. It contains usb_rx, usb_tx and usb_to_jtag_uart components. It also contains a commented section to directly displays USB data on DE10 board HEX 7segments instead of usb_to_jtag_uart.
DE10_lite board commands
Reset decoder : key(0)
Reinit USB bus : key(1) will restart device enumeration
DE10_lite board display (with usb_to_jtag_uart)
HEX 1-0 : Last key (cmd) entered in nios2-terminal
HEX 3-2 : USB SOF frame counter (7 MSB only)
HEX 4 : Max capture lines
HEX 5 :
segment 0 : token packet filter on/off
segment 1 : sof packet filter on/off
segment 2 : data packet filter on/off
segment 3 : setup packet filter on/off
Commands (via nios2-terminal)
key '1' : toggle token packet filter
key '2' : toggle sof packet filter
key '3' : toggle data packet filter
key '4' : toggle setup packet filter
key '6' : trigger/restart acquistion after stop (single shot)
key '7' : +32 lines to max capture buffer (wrap to 0 after 15, 0 = continous)
key '8' : -32 lines to max capture buffer (wrap to 15 after 0, 0 = continous)
key 'space' : toggle all active filters on/off
Using nios2-terminal
Nios2-terminal is available in quartus/bin64 folder. Launch nios2-terminal after DE10_lite board fpga programmation then used reset/restart DE10_lite board and/or terminal commands. Use Ctrl-C to quit terminal. Nios2-terminal have to be shutdown to allow fpga programmation.
Screen shots
Signal tap waveform record
Signal tap sample record file usb_first_exchange.stp is available in de10_lite folder. It contains most of the relevant signals for this design.
Hardware wiring
Operating as a spy tool USB power supply ** must NOT ** be connected to DE10 board. Only D+ and D- have to be connected to the DE10 board gpio.
If the USB port to be spyied is connected on the same computer as the display computer (nios2terminal via Jtag-uart on USB BLASTER port there is no need to connect the USB ground wire to the DE10 board GND.
In other cases make sure that there is NO current flowing between the display machine and the USB to be spyied before connected the DE10 ground to the USB ground. You might have to use isolation transformers for human and hardware safety.
On DE10_LITE (only)
D+ : green wire to gpio(0) pin #1 thru voltage translation/protection
D- : white wire to gpio(2) pin #3 thru voltage translation/protection
Operating as a standalone USB port device power supply may be supplied by the DE10 board 5V and GND available on gpio.
Voltage protection with Schottky diodes BAT54S or BAT42:
BAT54S (A2) o--|>{--o--|>{--O (K1)
Use 2 x BAT54S or 4 x BAT42
+ 2 x 47 Ohms
gpio(0) pin #1 o-------o--| 47 Ohms|---o D+ USB to spy (green)
| --------
gnd pin #30 o--|>{--o BAT54S
+3.3V pin #29 o--}<|---
gpio(2) pin #3 o-------o--| 47 Ohms|---o D- USB to spy (white)
| --------
gnd pin #30 o--|>{--o
+3.3V pin #29 o--}<|---
Jtag-uart component can be rebuilt with Qsys from scracth :
Launch Qsys
Remove Clock source component
Add Jtag uart component from IP_catalog Interface_Protocols\serial
Choose Wite FIFO buffer depth
Double-click on each 4 lines of column 'Export' (lines : Clk, reset, avalon_jtag_slave, irq)
Click on Generate HDL
Select HDL design files for synthesis => VHDL
Uncheck Create block symbol file (.bsf)
Set Ouput_directory
Click on Generate, Give name jtag_uart_8kw.qsys
Wait generation completed and close box when done
Click on Finish in Qsys main windows
Insert qsys/jtag_uart_8kw/synthesis/jtag_uart_8kw.qip in Quartus project
Modify jtag_uart_8kw.vhd in Quartus to simplify names for entity and component declaration. First replace any jtag_uart_0_avalon_jtag_ with av_, then remove any remaining jtag_uart_0_