Pytorch implementation of our paper (TNNLS) -- Pruning Networks with Cross-Layer Ranking & k-Reciprocal Nearest Filters

Primary LanguagePython

Pruning Networks with Cross-Layer Ranking & k-Reciprocal Nearest Filters

Pytorch implementation of our paper under review -- Pruning Networks with Cross-Layer Ranking & k-Reciprocal Nearest Filters

Running code

You can run the following code to prune model on CIFAR-10:

python cifar.py 
--arch vgg_cifar 
--cfg vgg16 
--data_path /data/cifar 
--job_dir ./experiment/cifar/vgg_1 
--pretrain_model /home/pretrain/vgg16_cifar10.pt 
--lr 0.01 
--lr_decay_step 50 100 
--weight_decay 0.005  
--num_epochs 150 
--gpus 0
--pr_target 0.7 

You can run the following code to prune resnets on ImageNet:

python imagenet.py 
--dataset imagenet 
--data_path /data/ImageNet/ 
--pretrain_model /data/model/resnet50.pth 
--job_dir /data/experiment/resnet50 
--arch resnet_imagenet 
--cfg resnet50 
--lr 0.1 
--lr_type step
--num_epochs 90 
--train_batch_size 256 
--weight_decay 1e-4 
--gpus 0 1 2 
--pr_target 0.7 

You can run the following code to prune mobilenet_v1 on ImageNet:

python imagenet.py 
--dataset imagenet 
--arch mobilenet_v1
--cfg mobilenet_v1 
--data_path /media/disk2/zyc/ImageNet2012 
--pretrain_model ./pretrain/checkpoints/mobilenet_v1.pth.tar 
--job_dir ./experiment/imagenet/mobilenet_v1 
--lr 0.1 
--lr_type cos
--weight_decay 4e-5 
--num_epochs 150 
--gpus 0  
--train_batch_size 256 
--eval_batch_size 256 
--pr_target 0.58

You can run the following code to prune mobilenet_v2 on ImageNet:

python imagenet.py 
--dataset imagenet 
--arch mobilenet_v2 
--cfg mobilenet_v2 
--data_path /media/disk2/zyc/ImageNet2012 
--pretrain_model ./pretrain/checkpoints/mobilenet_v2.pth.tar 
--job_dir ./experiment/imagenet/mobilenet_v2 
--lr 0.1 
--lr_type cos
--weight_decay 4e-5 
--num_epochs 150 
--gpus 0  
--train_batch_size 256 
--eval_batch_size 256 
--pr_target 0.25

You can run the following code to get FLOPs prune ratio under a given parameters prune target:

python get_flops.py 
--arch resnet_imagenet 
--cfg resnet50 
--pretrain_model /media/disk2/zyc/prune_result/resnet_50/pruned_checkpoint/resnet50-19c8e357.pth 
--job_dir ./experiment/imagenet/resnet50_flop 
--pr_target 0.1

You can run the following code to compare the loss between graph,Kmeans & random:

python cal_graph_loss.py 
--arch vgg_cifar 
--cfg vgg16 
--data_path /data/cifar 
--job_dir ./experiment/vgg
--pretrain_model pretrain/vgg16_cifar10.pt 
--gpus 0 

You can run the following code to test our model:

python test.py
--arch resnet_imagenet 
--cfg resnet50 
--data_path /media/disk2/zyc/ImageNet2012 
--resume ./pretrain/checkpoints/model_best.pt 
--pretrain_model /media/disk2/zyc/prune_result/resnet_50/pruned_checkpoint/resnet50-19c8e357.pth 
--pr_target 0.44 
--job_dir ./experiment/imagenet/test 
--eval_batch_size 256


Full Model Parameter(PR) Flops(PR) lr_type lightening Accuracy Model
VGG-16 (Baseline) 14.73M(0.0%) 314.04M(0.0%) step 93.02% pre-trained
VGG-16-0.86 0.74M(94.95%) 81.31M(74.11%) step 93.32% pruned
ResNet-56 (Baseline) 0.85M(0.0%) 126.56M(0.0%) step 93.26% pre-trained
ResNet-56-0.56 0.39M(54.47%) 55.26M(56.34%) step 93.27% pruned
ResNet-110 (Baseline) 1.73M(0.0%) 254.99M(0.0%) step 93.53% pre-trained
ResNet-110-0.69 0.53M(69.14%) 86.80M(65.96%) step 93.71% pruned
GoogLeNet (Baseline) 6.17M(0.0%) 1529.43M(0.0%) step 95.03% pre-trained
GoogLeNet-0.91 2.18M(64.70%) 491.54M(67.86%) step 94.85% pruned


Architecture Parameter(PR) Flops(PR) lr_type lightening Top1-Acc Top5-Acc Model
ResNet-50(Baseline) 25.56M(0.0%) 4113.56M(0.0%) step 76.01% 92.96% pre-trained
ResNet-50-0.52 6.90M(72.98%) 931.02M(77.37%) step 71.112% 90.424% pruned
ResNet-50-0.44 9.00M(64.77%) 1227.23M(70.17%) step 72.656% 91.085% pruned
ResNet-50-0.2 16.92M(33.80%) 2445.83M(40.54%) step 74.851% 92.305% pruned
ResNet-50-0.44 9.00M(64.77%) 1227.23M(70.17%) cos 73.344% 91.271% pruned
ResNet-50-0 [pruned]

Other Arguments

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --gpus GPUS [GPUS ...]
                        Select gpu_id to use. default:[0]
  --dataset DATASET     Select dataset to train. default:cifar10
  --data_path DATA_PATH
                        The dictionary where the input is stored.
  --job_dir JOB_DIR     The directory where the summaries will be stored.
  --arch ARCH           Architecture of model. default:resnet_imagenet. optional:resnet_cifar/mobilenet_v1/mobilenet_v2
  --cfg CFG             Detail architecuture of model. default:resnet56. optional:resnet110/18/34/50/101/152 mobilenet_v1/mobilenet_v2
  --graph_gpu           Use gpu to graph the filters or not. default:False
  --init_method INIT_METHOD
                        Initital method of pruned model. default:direct_project. optional:random_project
  --pr_target           Target prune ratio of parameters 
  --lr_type             lr scheduler. default: step. optional:exp/cos/step/fixed
  --criterion           Loss function. default:Softmax. optional:SmoothSoftmax
  --graph_method        Method to recontruct the graph of filters. default:knn other:kmeans/random
  --resume              Continue training from specific checkpoint. For example:./experiment/imagenet/resnet50_redidual/checkpoint/model_last.pt
  --use_dali            If this parameter exists, use dali module to load ImageNet data.