
A batteries-included template for Cloudflare Workers with the following configuration:

If you disagree with any of these choices it should be possible to swap out that decision.

🚀 Getting started

Press the green "Use this template" button in the top right to make a Github repository based on this one.


To watch changes and build as you go, use

npm run watch

To make a production build use

npm run build


The tests are run using Jest. Use npm test to run your tests.

To re-run the tests on changes run

npm test -- --watch

This is the recommended way to develop most of your app. Write tests for core functionality instead of relying on wrangler dev.

⚠️ Jest runs tests in a Node environment, this template has polyfills that make this environment as close as possible to a normal Cloudflare environment, but it may still be slightly different.

Previewing and Publishing

wrangler dev

This is best combined with npm run watch in another terminal so the build gets updated automatically. Please make sure to call npm run watch first.

To publish, first make a build using npm run build and then use the Wrangler CLI tool.