
Current dotfiles on my linux machines

Primary LanguageShell


Current dotfiles on my linux machines

I use breeze. configure for kde-based everything, with qt5ct and lxappearance of kde system Font for desktop is cantarell. Breeze snow cursor theme from KDE

clight with geoclue2 for brightness of screen

For infinality-ish font rendering: https://gist.github.com/cryzed/e002e7057435f02cc7894b9e748c5671

look at aconfmgr for arch configuration management

for shell scripts see the following python packages: plumbum sarge sh pyp (awk/sed replacement)


For making new SSH keys:

ssh-keygen -t ed25519

commands I often forget

use pdftk for pdf joining etc use ytop for htop with graphs


passwd --add lb realtime cpupower frequency-set -g performance

Alternatively try running at 1024 fpp. If there are still occasional, periodic x-runs, this hints at system-management IRQs (health checks: power/voltage, temperature, etc) and will be very hard to get rid of. If you have the option, disable some power-saving options in the BIOS, particularly pci-bus frequency scaling, EIST, and C1E halt-states. look at rtirq

Non-free fonts



fonts-meta-base ttf-google-fonts-typewolf fonts-meta-extended-lt ## includes infinality subs xorg-fonts-misc go-fonts-git otf-font-awesome ttf-roboto adobe-source-code-pro-fonts adobe-source-han-sans-jp-fonts otf-ipafont

My Packages

firefox-trydactyl-native pactl xss-lock neovim python-neovim python-jedi python-pipenv i3 alacritty rofi xclip xorg-server xorg-apps paru ddate jre10-openjdk-headless xorg-apps unclutter-xfixes-git compton conky pkgfile dropbox gufw ufw-extras xdg-utils? redshift feh vlc texlive-most dunst lxappearance-gtk3 gnome-themes-extra adwaita-qt4 adwaita-qt5 breeze-snow-cursor-theme unzip lm_sensors spotify alsa-utils nemo nemo-preview nemo-dropbox jack2-dbus cadence ladish pulseaudio-alsa pulseaudio-jack bitwig-studio ttf-roboto vdpauinfo texlive-most texlive-most lilypond fluidsynth soundfont-fluid openvpn transmission-gtk network-manager network-manager-applet dhclient ntfs-3g darktable musescore gwenview mozc fcitx fcitx-mozc fcitx-configtool fcitx-gtk2 fcitx-gtk3 fcitx-qt4 fcitx-qt5 fctix-ui-light meld k3b (cd ripping) fslint digikam? gpick invada-studio-plugins-lv2 calf artyfx cpupower realtime-privliges ardour linvst wine ripgrep google-cloud-sdk docker

Laptop only

networkmanager networkmanager-applet blueman-applet