
clm face tracking, chrome speech to text, webrtc chat, websocket data connection

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This combines:

Video call

The WebRTC video call and data connection are built on top of peerjs.com. There is a temporary API key in the code, but you should register for your own and replace it in this line in chat.js.

var peer = new Peer({ key: 'lwjd5qra8257b9', debug: 3, config: {'iceServers': [
  { url: 'stun:stun.l.google.com:19302' } // Pass in optional STUN and TURN server for maximum network compatibility

Send data

The data connection is opened automatically when you start a video call. You can send data with connection.send("some-string"), this block in chat.js demonstrates doing this on button click.

// Send message over data connection
  var msg = $('#data-msg').val();
  //console.log("sent ");

Chrome speech API

This app uses a wrapper around the Chrome speech API. More documentation here: github.com/yyx990803/Speech.js.

You start it with startSpeech(), this block in chat.js demonstrates doing this on button click.

// Start speech
  console.log("starting speech");

You can change some of the settings for speech detection in this block. See the speech.js repo for more options.

var speech = new Speech({
    // lang: 'cmn-Hans-CN', // Mandarin Chinese, default is English.
    // all boolean options default to false
    debugging: false, // true, - will console.log all results
    continuous: true, // will not stop after one sentence
    interimResults: true, // trigger events on iterim results
    autoRestart: true, // recommended when using continuous:true
                      // because the API sometimes stops itself
                      // possibly due to network error.

CLM face tracking

This app uses github.com/auduno/clmtrackr to draw the face tracking data outline overlay. You can dig further into the clmtracker repo for more information on getting other data from the tracker object.

You start it with startTracking();, this block in chat.js demonstrates doing this on button click.

// Start facetracking
  console.log("starting tracking");