
Apache AsterixDB and Apache Spark Connector

Primary LanguageHTMLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

AsterixDB Spark Connector

This an Apache Spark connector which allows it to consume data from Apache AstreixDB.


  • Java version 8
  • SBT version >= 0.3.17
  • Scala 2.10 (Never tested on 2.11)
  • Apache AsterixDB version >= 0.8.8 (up and running)


  • Clone and go the asterixdb-spark-connector directory.
  • Check project/Versions.scala if the specified versions of Apache Spark and Apache Hyracks are not similar to what you have.
  • run:
sbt package
  • Assembly JAR:
# The JAR file should be located at target/scala-2.10/asterixdb-spark-connector-assembly-SPARK_VERSION.jar
sbt assembly
  • Publish to local repo:
sbt publish


  • asterixdb-spark-connector requires to be configure using SparkConf (See the example for clarification):
Property Name Default Description
spark.asterix.connection.host None IP/Host of AsterixDB.
spark.asterix.connection.port None Port for AsterixDB HTTP API (Default: 19002).
spark.asterix.frame.size None The frame size of AsterixDB can be found in conf/asterix-configuration.xml file under Managix folder.
  • Optional configurations:
Property Name Default Description
spark.asterix.frame.number 2 Number of AsterixDB frames to read at a time.
This should NOT be big as the intermediate result can consume large amount memory.
spark.asterix.reader.number 2 The number of parallel readers per AsterixDB result partition.
spark.asterix.prefetch.threshold 2 The remaining number of unread tuples before trigger the pre-fetcher.
This should NOT be big as the intermediate result can consume large amount memory.

###Using the connector in your code

Using SBT and Maven

  • Build asterixdb-spark-connector and publish it to your local-repo:
sbt publish
  • Add SBT dependency to your build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "org.apache.asterix" %% "asterixdb-spark-connector" % $SPARK_VERSION
  • or add Maven dependency to your pom.xml
  • Replace $SPARK_VERSION with the required Apache Spark version

####Using spark-shell

  • Using local-repo to get the connector:
bin/spark-shell [--master Spark master address or ignore for local run] \\
--packages org.apache.asterix:asterixdb-spark-connector_2.10:SPARK_VERSION \\ 
--conf spark.asterix.connection.host=ASTERIXDB_HOST \\
--conf spark.asterix.connection.port=ASTERIXDB_PORT \\
--conf spark.asterix.frame.size=ASTERIXDB_FRAME_SIZE \\
  • Using Assembly JAR:
./bin/spark-shell --jars path/to/jar/asterixdb-spark-connector-assembly-SPARK_VERSION.jar
--conf spark.asterix.connection.host=ASTERIXDB_HOST \\
--conf spark.asterix.connection.port=ASTERIXDB_PORT \\
--conf spark.asterix.frame.size=ASTERIXDB_FRAME_SIZE \\

###Example Please see the following:

Add the connector to Spark Interpreter in Apache Zeppelin
Click Interpreter

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Scroll down to Spark and add the configurations for the connector

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Add the connector artifact as groupId:artifactId:version

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