
Cannot read input file with Chinese text in filename

Closed this issue · 2 comments


When I use pyfastx.Fasta to read a file with Chinese text in its path, it throw out a file exists error. And I'm sure the file exists.

My code is like this:

import os
import pyfastx

input_fasta = r'C:\Users\smei\Documents\新建文件夹\gene_cds_hg38.fa'
if os.path.exists(input_fasta):
    print(f"{input_fasta} exists.")
    print(f"{input_fasta} not exists.")
all_seq = pyfastx.Fasta(input_fasta)

And the following is the output and trackback:
C:\Users\smei\Documents\新建文件夹\gene_cds_hg38.fa exists.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\smei\Downloads\test.py", line 9, in
all_seq = pyfastx.Fasta(input_fasta)
FileExistsError: the input fasta file C:\Users\smei\Documents\新建文件夹\gene_cds_hg38.fa does not exists


lmdu commented

Thank you for reporting this issue. I will fixed it in next version.

lmdu commented

Added support for chinese in version 2.0.0.