These are my scripts for running Borgbackup scripts and performing random checks whether they work.

NOTE: I do the infrastructural part with Ansible:
* Installing borg on the server, and
* making sure SSH access, and
* creating the repository path - this needs to exist for borg to work properly.

Initializing a new borgbackup repository:

Make sure that the directory exists on the server:

$ cd ~backup
$ mkdir -p repo/repos/desktop

To make client access to the server possible, create an ssh keypair on the client and allow it to access the server.
You should restrict what that SSH key is allowed to do after logging in: you can set a mandatory command that it
should execute (and nothing else). For example:
# /home/backup/.ssh/authorized_keys
command="cd /var/borgbackup/repo/repos/desktop;borg serve --append-only --restrict-to-path /var/borgbackup/repo/repos/desktop",\
no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-pty,no-agent-forwarding,no-user-rc ssh-rsa xxsshkeyxx backup-client@workstation
Which is all on one line and where `ssh-rsa xxsshkeyxx backup-client@workstation` is the contents of your file

Then initialize the repository from the client (it should have SSH access):

This is the exact command that is run by ./

  $ borg init --encryption=repokey --append-only backup@backup-host:desktop
  Enter new passphrase: 
  Enter same passphrase again: 
  Do you want your passphrase to be displayed for verification? [yN]: y

Now, add the passphrase to the .env file in this repo, and add the backup server location and source location as well:

Also, store the key file created by borg, as well as the passphrase in Lastpass and, ideally, physically like a printed QR code.

The backup name prefix does not have to match the path in BORG_REPO, it is used to "name" consecutive backups;
the script will generate names like `desktop-2017-11-18`

Perform the ./perform-daily-backup.rb command, it should perform the backup without questions.