
Age, gender and emotion recognition in videos

Primary LanguagePython

This application performs an age/gender/emotion estimation based upon a video source (videofile or webcam)

Usage: python evaluate.py

For now, switching input source is done with global variables in the source code

The following work is used:

  1. OpenCV2 haar cascade face recognition from https://github.com/opencv/opencv/
  2. Gender and Age model from https://github.com/Tony607/Keras_age_gender
  3. Emotion model from https://github.com/petercunha/Emotion
  4. Wide Resnet implementation from https://github.com/asmith26/wide_resnets_keras

models directory must contain:

  • emotion_model.hdf5
  • haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml
  • weigts.18-4.06.hdf5

These can be obtained from the sources above