
Algorithm project where a certain amount of ants should find the best path through a labyrinth, but cannot take the same path at the same time. The algorithm should find all the best path, and split the ants in them.

Primary LanguageC


Algorithm project where a certain amount of ants should find the best path through a labyrinth, but cannot take the same path at the same time. The algorithm should find all the best path, and split the ants in them.

The goal is to make all the ants go from the starting rooms to the ending rooms in the less amount of "rounds". Each ant can move to an adjacent room during one round, one by one in gallery.

In order to archieve this in the minimum amount of round, the ants should not be splitted fairly between each path, because some are faster than other. Also, the ants should not go all inside the faster path.


To build:

$ make

To execute:

$ ./lem_in < map

A map example is displayed inside maps/ , it look like this :

15                **-> number of ants**
##start           **-> commentary used to tell wich room is the starting room of the ants**
1 23 3            **-> the name of the room, then it's x and y position ( wich is has no impact )**
2 16 7
#commentaire      **-> a simple commentary**
3 16 3
4 16 5
5 9 3
6 1 5
7 4 8
##end             **-> the end room**
0 9 5
#autre commentaire
4-2                **-> the link between rooms, there must be a path from start to end**


The output will look like this

L1-3 L2-2
L1-4 L2-5 L3-3 L4-2
L1-0 L2-6 L3-4 L4-5 L5-3 L6-2
L2-0 L3-0 L4-6 L5-4 L6-5 L7-3 L8-2
L4-0 L5-0 L6-6 L7-4 L8-5 L9-3 L10-2
L6-0 L7-0 L8-6 L9-4 L10-5 L11-3 L12-2
L8-0 L9-0 L10-6 L11-4 L12-5 L13-3 L14-2
L10-0 L11-0 L12-6 L13-4 L14-5 L15-3
L12-0 L13-0 L14-6 L15-4
L14-0 L15-0

L + number stand to say wich ant is moving, and the number N in L1-N tell wich room the ant had move into. Each ant can only move once per round, and only to an adjacent room. A path between two rooms can only be took by one ant at a time.


-e : Add verbosity to explain the reasons of the errors, or why the input is invalid.

$ ./lem_in -e < map

-k : Add color to ants to show the differents path the ants are taking

-p : Show all the differents path between start and end rooms.

-c : Show how many ants took each path. The ant aren't split equally between each path to optimize the best path avalaible.

Options can be stacked like this :

$ ./lem_in -evk < map 

Note :

If executed without any map, the programm will wait for input, you can write the map yourself after launching the programm with your input. For more informations you can look to the subject.fdf