- 1
- 8
- 1
ModelResult dumps does not work with parameters containing certain numerical datatypes
#968 opened by cberk17 - 1
Typo in create_uvars() method
#962 opened by AwkwardChessboard - 3
The `prefix` string is not added to parameter names for `CompositeModel`s
#954 opened by jcjaskula-aws - 1 does not use provided params
#960 opened by Trayder - 3
Numpy 2 support
#958 opened by paulmueller - 10
- 0
_buildmodel state dict (version 2) restore typo
#956 opened by stuart-cls - 1
- 3
- 6
- 2
Default `method="leastsq"` in `Model().fit()` when `Parameters` have bounds
#944 opened by GuillermoAbadLopez - 0
- 0
- 4
- 1
- 1
- 0
Retain default values for keyword arguments when manually choosing param_names
#918 opened by schtandard - 1
jacobian matrix
#915 opened by rahatN-tech - 1
- 1
- 2
- 6
- 3
an aborted fit with `method='least_squares'` does not report correct fit results and statistics
#896 opened by newville - 0
- 6
Cannot select method of scipy least_squares function
#890 opened by Spectre5 - 9
- 6
Test suite: Skipped tests cause test suite failures
#878 opened by nomeata - 1
Test suite failures: Pytest fails with multiprocessing, ConstantModel has not independent_vars
#882 opened by nomeata - 1
Test suite failures: Pytest fails with multiprocessing, ConstantModel has not independent_vars
#881 opened by nomeata - 1
Test suite failures: Pytest fails with multiprocessing, ConstantModel has not independent_vars
#880 opened by nomeata - 1
Test suite failures: Pytest fails with multiprocessing, ConstantModel has not independent_vars
#879 opened by nomeata - 0
`RectangleModel.guess()` fails with Int64 data types
#871 opened by newville - 4
`lmfit.minimize` with `method='lbfgsb'` doesn't obey setting `max_nfev` > 15000
#864 opened by rowlesmr - 6
19 tests fail
#861 opened by yurivict - 4 : inconsistant behaviour with `max_fev` + working with non-existing method ??
#842 opened by patquem - 4
Conversion of input to float64
#850 opened by parejkoj - 4
Unsetting the default expression of 'VoigtModel' and 'SkewedVoigtModel' does not work as expected
#859 opened by Julian-Hochhaus - 0
- 3
- 19
- 1
`ConstantModel` returns wrong shape
#840 opened by JeppeKlitgaard - 9
version 1.0.4 release
#809 opened by newville - 1
Redundant calls to objective from minimize
#829 opened by earthshrink - 7
HTML Static doc missing
#817 opened by TheSkyentist - 1
Incorrect value in MinimizerResult.init_values
#820 opened by schtandard - 2
RectangleModule implements 'linear' incorrectly?
#815 opened by arunpersaud - 2
- 1
Issues with build-in DoniachModel documentation
#819 opened by joeyE99