

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Portable, Reproducible High Performance Computing In the Cloud


  • 9:00AM - Introduction
  • 9:30AM - Intro to Jupyter, Intro to Docker
  • 10:30AM - Break
  • 11:00AM - Intro to Docker(cont), Intro to Tapis and CLI, Intro to Abaco
  • Noon - Lunch
  • 1:30PM - Using Abaco, Intro to Singularity
  • 2:30PM - Tapis Systems, Tapis Apps, Tapis Jobs
  • 3:00PM - Break
  • 2:30PM - Tapis Continued
  • 4:30PM - Workshop Wrap-up

Workshop Introduction


  • Joe Stubbs (TACC)
  • Julia Looney (TACC)
  • Anagha Jamthe (TACC)
  • Sean Cleveland (UH)

The resources you will be using today are provided by funding from the National Science Foundation:

  • Jetstream is a cloud service for research that provides on-demand, user-controled, Virtual Machines (VMs) - you can request and account after the workshop using these instructions.
  • Stampede2 is the flagship supercomputer at The University of Texas at Austin's Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC). A strategic national resource, Stampede2 provides high-performance computing capabilities to thousands of researchers across the U.S. To gain access after the workshop you need to request a startup allocation with an XSEDE portal account, you can Request and Account and then Submit an Allocation request - If you have question please contact us via the TACC-Cloud slack channel.

You should have recieved a paper with a training account for Stampede2 and a slip of paper with a Jetstream Virtual Machine(VM) IP with username and password for that VM. These are the credentials that we will use today and are only valid for todays workshop.

The Jetstream VMs all have the same configuration running Ubuntu 18 with all required software (Docker, Singularity, Tapis-CLI, Tapis PY and Jupyterhub).

Intro to Jupyter

Intro to Docker

Intro to Tapis (Agave)

Using Abaco

Intro to Singularity

Tapis Systems

Tapis Apps

Tapis Jobs