A.I. Singularity Petition made during the Full-Stack Web Developer Bootcamp at Spiced Academy in Berlin.
A petition website to keep everyone as informed and updated as possible on the pros & cons of the possible advent of the "A.I. Singularity".
This project was created with:
- Front-End: HTML, CSS, JS (Handlebars, jQuery)
- Back-End: Node.js / Express (Csurf, Cookie Session, Bcrypt)
- Data: PostgreSQL
First of all clone the repo on your own machine
git clone https://github.com/lmguerrini/ai-singularity-petition.git
Install all the dependencies required
npm install
Start the server
node .
Now you should be ready to dive into the A.I. Singularity Petition at http://localhost:8080
- Registration, login and profile editing
- E-signature with relative list of signers filtered by location