🍪 👮 Vue Cookie Law

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EU Cookie Law Plugin for Vue.js - Originally written by Jakub Juszczak jakub@posteo.de

🔧 Install

yarn add vue-bootstrap-cookie-law

👈 Usage

    <cookie-law theme="white-transparent"></cookie-law>

  import CookieLaw from 'vue-bootstrap-cookie-law'
  export default {
    components: { CookieLaw }


You can also pass in the message into a named slot. This way you can for example add <router-link> and other dynamic content.

  <div slot="message">
    <p>Here is my message for more info <router-link to="legal-notes">Click here</router-link></p>


prop default type description
buttonText 'Got It!' String 🔘 Well, its the button text
buttonLink String|Object Link to more infos. Simple href or a vue-router Location object
buttonLinkText 'More info' String Label of link button
buttonLinkNewTab false Boolean If true, it opens the link in a new tab/window (href)
buttonClass 'Cookie__button' String Custom class name for buttons
message 'This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.' String Your message in the content area
theme 'base' String Selected theme. You can also create a custom one
position 'bottom' String Possible positions are bottom or top
transitionName 'slideFromBottom' String Enter and leave transitions. Currenty supported slideFromBottom, slideFromTop, fade


The default button will emit an accept event you can listen on if the user clicks the button.

<cookie-law v-on:accept="ThankYouMethod()"/>

💅 Themes

Cookie Law Themes

Custom Themes

You can easy create your own themes. The classes that need to be styled are:

  • .cookie for the container
  • .cookie-content for the content with message
  • .cookie-button for the button

And then pass your theme name to the component.

©️ License