Covered Hubspot Email Builder

By Peter Laxalt Made with Jekyll & Gulp to make Hubspot Email Templates. For Covered.

To Start

npm install
cd src
bundle install
cd ../
  • Make sure you npm install your gulp dependencies as well.

To Run

Simply run gulp from the root directory.

To Debug

  1. cd src && bundle exec jekyll serve from root.
  2. gulp watch from root.
  3. View your files from the /build/ folder.

It's throwing an error at the janky Python server that is running

  1. sudo lsof -i tcp:8080
  2. sudo kill -9 PID where PID is the PID of said server.

Using Dummy Data

  • We have 4 _data_ files: contact.json, contact.json, standard.json, and standard.json. Each is used for either dummy data, or replacing your dummy data with actual Hubspot properties. If you want to code with dummy data, use the {{ }} syntax. For export, use the {{ }} syntax. The _hs is key, and I usually do a quick find + replace to change to that. We should change process this to an overall settings file for a export: true field down the road.

Fire up an .ngrok server to test on your devices

  • You can access your localhost from any device because .ngrok is awesome.
  • In the /_ngrok/ folder you'll find a .zip file with .ngrok in it. Install that.
  • In terminal, simply type $ ./ngrok http #### to fire up a server and they will provide urls. #### will be your desired port number.
  • Be sure that if you are on development and potentially behind a directory such as /covered-hubspot/, you'll have to append that to your .ngrok url.